Ice Troubles.

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[This takes place directly after Season 4's events. I would watch Season 4 before reading on.]

[Once Azure Lion was defeated, and the world was safe once more, MK and Monkey King disappeared to Flower Fruit Mountain, Macaque and Kayla simply went to training again, and the other Monkie Kids simply moved on with their lives. We are now turning the focus of the story on Kayla, who is worried about MK, but is still under Macaque's hand. Yet lately, she has been having odd dreams...]

Bai He sits on an old raggedy couch, munching on a snack. She watches the fight.

Kayla pins Macaque to the wall of his dojo. Debris and dust fly from the impact. Macaque shakes his head. 

"You never learn." He disappears into the shadows.

"I don't?" She channels her ice attack. She looks around the area, as shadows circle her. 

"Trying this trick again?" She yells. "Funny. It won't work." 

Suddenly, she's knocked to the ground by a shadow. Another attacks again as she tries to stand. Macaque appears again.

"Really kiddo? You let me land a punch on you? Well—" She tackles him, using her ice to wield him to the floor. She holds up her ice daggers, ready to end him. Finally.

"Kid. It's just training. Remember." She retracts her ice.

"Your methods have changed. You have." Bai He looks confused at Kayla's words.

"Yeah. I'm not the fun-loving get-go guy I was. But hey, who knew 500 years of 'meditation' would make you stronger!" Macaque chuckles, then stops when he looks at her. 

"Hey. You were distracted this time. You can't let your enemy take advantage of you like that. If I wanted to, I could have—"

"I get it. It's alright, it'll be fine. I'm just, gonna go, to a friend's."

"Fine. Be back by dinner and don't get in trouble."

She grins. "When have I ever been late?!" Macaque simply sighs.

"She's always late," Bai He quips.

"I'll follow her this time."

"Take me with you!"

"Alright, we can get ice cream."


"Hey. I'm here."

"Good. I was worried you had forgotten."

"Me? Nah. But I thought I heard you say you were worried about me?" Kayla chuckles at her own words.

"I was not of any sort.  That was merely a phrase of speech, ice girl." 

"Yeah, yeah, Red. So, wanna go for a walk? You know, clear your head?"

"Fine. But why with me? You aren't gonna get all soft on me, are you?"

"PFFT, ew no way! I just wanna, you know, talk. Since MK isn't around, I..." Kayla trails off.

"Need a shoulder to cry on?" He stuffs his hands in his pockets. Kayla looks at him, not amused.  

Red Son reaches out to put his hand on her shoulder, but hesitates. He sighs.

"You know, you can talk to me. I'll listen."

Kayla sighs. She stops walking. "I know we just fought off another enemy, and I know MK's been through a lot, and I'm worried about him. And you. That whole 'getting-your-parents-turned-into-ink' thing wasn't ideal."

Macaque's Daughter. - A LMK FanFicHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin