Chapter 7: I Don't Believe You

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Late at night, dark clouds covered the moon.

The night wind blew.

Other than the freshmen, the students of the other grades were already on break, so there was no one on the field, let alone couples holding hands. It was very quiet.

At this moment, Feng Qi came to a corner of the field and stood still, closing his eyes.

According to the starting stance he had learned in the dream, he slowly opened his arms. Then, he stretched his right arm forward, drew an arc, and bent his knees... He jumped, spun, and twisted his body.

A moment later, he indeed sensed the Spiritual Qi light spots floating around.

Usually, it would take about ten minutes for him to sense the Spiritual Qi light spots floating in the air when he practiced the exercises. Now, it only took one minute with the future version.

Even the speed at which he absorbed Spiritual Qi was several times faster.

However, a problem soon arose. Feng Qi realized that the Spiritual Qi in his body could not be gathered in his dantian. It would quickly dissipate from his body.

This discovery made him realize that the body in the dream seemed to have some connection with his body in reality, such that he was unable to cultivate in reality as well.

"Could it be that I can only become stronger in the dream in the future?

"It's not impossible. Anyway, my goal is the Milky Way Research Institute, they don't value personal strength."

The insensitive Feng Qi calmly accepted his change.

Then, he began to think about how to promote the future version of cultivation exercises in reality.

As he pondered, he gradually had an idea.

Although he did not have the channels to contact the various cultivation research institutes and nor did he know the top celebrities on the Internet, he knew Old Wang.

Old Wang was different from most of the teachers in the school. He had once received an employment invitation from the Tiger Soul Research Institute and was an outstanding graduate of Star City Academy.

As long as he was willing, there would definitely be channels to send the future version of cultivation exercises to the Tiger Soul Research Institute for testing. After passing the test, it would quickly be promoted throughout society.

His achievements in improving the cultivation technique could also allow him to be specially recruited to work in the research institute of any advanced academics.

Since he had decided to be the savior of the world, Feng Qi no longer planned to keep a low profile.

"I'm not the male lead of a novel. Why pretend to be a pig to prey on a tiger? Low profile my ass. A capable person has to be high-profile!"

After making his decision, he planned to go to Old Wang right way.

Feng Qi was very familiar with Old Wang's daily routine. He had a lot of contact with him. He even chose the path of cultivation technique research because Old Wang thought that he had talent in cultivation technique research and recommended him.


Wine in the left hand and a cigarette in the right.

Sitting on the balcony at the top of the school building, Wang Jincheng's heart was heavy.

He had just received a notice that his former roommate from school had been sacrificed in a battle with a domain creature.

This news was a huge blow to him.

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