Part Eight

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Most of everyone crowded around Vinny and got into one gigantic circle. West and I followed the crowd and sat on the couch in front of the dance floor. One of Vinny's teammates brought out an empty beer bottle and placed it in his hand. One of the sophomore minions that had been drooling over West five seconds ago asked what version we were going to play.

Knowing Vinny, it was never a normal game. He spun the bottle on the floor. "Truth or dare." I smiled to myself. I'm the queen of this game.

"I'll do the honors." He spun the bottle. I watched closely as it slowed to point to some kid in ninth grade I think. "Truth or dare?" The kid rolled it over in his mind for a second before deciding on a dare. "We'll start you off with something calm for right now. So how about ice down your pants?"

The short freshman ran into the kitchen getting ice from the dispenser. He came back waddling and laughing as he sat down. The freshman spun the bottle and it landed on Nikkie. She groaned and waited for his question. "Truth or dare?"


"Who's the hottest guy in your grade?"

She said it without hesitation."Kaleb Morgan." Kaleb who sat opposite of Nikkie in the circle chuckled at her truth. He shot her a wink before she spun the bottle herself. I watched as the bottle slowed and landed in my direction. Nikki was smiling in such a way that it nearly seemed sinister. I smiled back. She knows I can take a challenge. "Truth or dare?"


She tapped her chin as if she was thinking long and hard as her eyes drew to Vinny. She whipped her head around to meet my eyes and tried not to laugh. "I dare you to give Vinny a hickey." The group started to cheer now that we're finally getting to the good stuff. Nikki knows this is gonna' start drama and I'm sure she wants to see how "jealous" West will get. I caught Vinny's gaze as he sat a few people away from me on the ground and he had that damn smug look. Oh, he's going to rub this in West's face for days to come.

I made my way over to where he sat and saddled myself between his legs. His hands instinctively wrapped around my waist and stabled me on top of him. I traced my hands up the sides of his arms and up to his neck. He tilted his head back just a bit to give me better access. "I'm all yours." He whispered. Thank god the music is loud enough to drown out his words so no one else could hear. That same smirk stretched his lips. I scoffed but couldn't help myself from smiling.

I dipped my head to kiss his neck. I started gentle, kissing him and sucking near his ear. He massaged my waist as his hands traveled lower. I don't mind it, since it's not the first time this has happened. I actually enjoyed it in the slightest bit. He was so easy to flow with, no awkwardness, just a good time. He shifted his position a bit and a low hum came rumbling from his throat. I knew from experience that he was enjoying this more than he wanted to.

I rocked my hips in his lap a bit. I know it seems childish, but I like to wipe that look off his face every now and then. I kept kissing his neck in different spots and biting his skin just a bit and before too long, purple marks formed near his Adam's apple. And I'm sure that bruise wasn't the only thing forming.

"Damn, you still got it huh Vi?" He whispered. He leaned up just a bit to meet my eyes and his cheeks were flushed. He's playing with fire and he knows it. I can't deny he looked good but I knew my limits. I forgot all about my agreement for a second until I caught West looking as if he wanted to kill Vinny. His jaw was tense and he didn't stop peering at us until I got off him. He's going to so yell at me after this.

I made my way back to West's side and sat down while Nikki and Beck giggled about how hot that was. As soon as my butt hit the cushion of the couch, West leaned over and immediately reprimanded me.

"What the hell did we say about that kind of stuff." I shrugged and waved him off.

"I know but it's just a game West. Everyone knows it gets just a little wild. And this isn't the first time they've seen me play. If you're that mad about it, you should step it up." I gave him the fakest sympathetic smile and pat on the shoulder.

"You little.." He muttered to himself and focused his eyes on the game instead. It went on for a while before the bottle finally landed on West. He perked up a bit when he saw that it was his turn. He chose dare and before I could even get a word out Beck had dared him to kiss me. I immediately looked at him trying to show my expression of 'hell no' but I don't know if he got it because when he turned to look at me, my lips were the only thing in his line of sight.

"West. No. Just no." I violently whispered. He leaned down closer to my ear and tried to reason with me.

"You do realize you sucked the living shit out of Vinny's neck and the guy you're supposed to be with can't even get a kiss? People will think that's really suspicious."

"Yeah, well, no one knows we're even together just yet, we can make it public after tonight. We can say I did it to make you jealous because we got into a fight or something."

"Fine. But I'm still waiting for the kiss." Do all guys share that obnoxious expression? He smirked and leaned on his palms waiting for me. I looked toward Nikki and Beck and they seemed as surprised that I wasn't all over his face by now, but Nikki flicked her hand for me to go for it. I don't know where exactly his confidence came from but maybe from the spiked Sprite.

West patted his lap and waited for me to climb on top. When I settled, he leaned up just a bit to whisper in my ear.

"It's just a game."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: 5 days ago ⏰

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