🧸Chapter Two🧸

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I was on Scott's bed and my wrists were sore from that kid grabbing us."Tess you okay?" Scott asks gaining my attention."Yeah, I'm fine honestly, I'm just tired been a weird day for me," I said with a soft chuckle.

"Can I see your wrists?" Scott wonders." Urm sure?" I said softly and Scott saw bruising on my wrists and grabbed them gently.

"I'm taking the pain away," Scott explains." Thank you," I said softly.

"It's the least I can do as I did kind of kidnapped you and Liam?" Scott says with an awkward smile.

"Well at least I can cross out being kidnapped off my bucket list," I giggled slightly.

Scott smiled at me. "Sorry I have a dark sense of humour in the worst possible times, and I'm too sarcastic for some people's liking," I said with a soft smile.

"It's fine, you're kind of like a girl version of Stiles. I can deal with that," Scott says nudging me.

"Good," I nodded. We sat in comfortable silence when Stiles turned up and Scott ran downstairs to get him.


Scott and Stiles return after five minutes and enter the room. "Oh hey Tess, you okay?" Stiles asked.

"Fine, just learned Scott's an alpha Werewolf so strange night(!)" I said with a sarcastic tone of voice.

"Yeah you're fine(!)" Stiles smiles sarcastically."Shut up, dork!" I said with a childish expression.

"That's it!" Stiles exclaims. Stiles jumped at me and we both went crashing on the floor.

"Apologise for calling me a dork and say I'm the king of sarcasm!" Stiles exclaims.

"Never!" I said and I flipped us over so I pinned him to the floor."I yield!" Stiles says."Ha! I win!" I shouted with a smirk.

I got up and helped Stiles up."Right, shall we go sort Liam out now?" Scott asks with a smile.

"Go on dopey and dork," I said with a smirk."Ey don't push it!" Scott says with a grin. I put my hands up in surrender and they entered the bathroom.

Stiles sighs."So you bit him." He says."Yeah." Scott nods."And you kidnapped him and brought Tess here," Stiles says

"Yeah she was with him I couldn't leave her there," Scott repeats."Brought them here," Stiles states."I panicked!" Scott exclaims.

Stiles nods."This isn't going to end with us burying him in the desert, is it?" He asks. I turned towards the bathroom as I heard a noise coming from there.

"As a reminder, this is why I always come up with plans! Your plans suck!" Stiles rants making me grin. "I know - which is why I called you. So, what do we do?" Scott asked.

I watch as Scott brings Liam through to the bedroom. He looks at me as Stiles gets in front of Liam and speaks.

"Liam, we're going to take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, it goes right back on. If you talk quietly, it stays off. Got it?" Stiles says.

Liam nods in response."Okay," Stiles says and removes the tape.

"Okay, Liam. Now, you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight." Stiles begins to say.

"And more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?" Stiles questions.

"Not really," Liam says, unsure."Good. That's good." Stiles nods."I don't understand, either," Scott admits.

"Maybe you should tell him." Stiles suggests."Tell me what?" Liam asked.

"Liam, what happened to you? What I did do to you that I had to do to save you? It's going to change you." Scott starts.

"Unless it kills you. Shouldn't have said that." Stiles adds, and Liam gets teary-eyed."What?" He says sadly. "Uh... Uh-oh. Oh-oh... Is he... Is he crying?" Stiles asks.

"Liam, it's okay. You're going to be all right." Scott reassures him."You're not going to die," Scott tells him.

"Probably not," Stiles says."Stop it!" Scott exclaims."Okay, possibly not." Stiles repeats."Would you please just help me untie him?" Scott asks, and they begin to untie him.

"Liam, are you okay?" Scott asks. "We're sorry about that. We're sorry -" Stiles starts to say but gets cut off by Liam hitting Scott with a chair.

"Liam, what the hell is your-" Stiles says and gets hit with a right hook by Liam.

"Tess run!" Liam yelled and I nodded and ran off and waited on the porch for Liam who came running twenty minutes later and we headed home.


I'm in my bedroom grabbing my stuff when a knock on my door disturbed my thoughts." Yeah?" I said as I got my bag." It's Liam, can I come in?" Liam asked softly."Sure come on in?" I said softly and Liam burst in hugging me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked softly stroking his hair." I was scared Tess, I thought you were hurt and I thought something was gonna happen to you," Liam says sadly.

"Hey, nothing bad is going to happen to me because I'm always going to be around okay? I'm safe I'm alive and so are you," I said softly stroking his cheek and kissing his forehead.

"Now we've got to get to school but we've just missed the bus so I'll get my skateboard out and we just race it there?" I said with a smile.

"Let's go, as I know I can beat you," Liam smirks and with that, we head off to school and make three miles with ease.


We arrived at school and bumped into Mason just coming off the bus."Hey, Liam! Tess! Why weren't you two on the bus?" Mason asked."We ran," Liam says."Well he ran and I got my skateboard out and rode it here," I smiled.

"You ran three miles to school?" Mason questions."Yeah, I just started running," Liam states awkwardly."So, I guess your leg's okay?" Mason questions."What happened to your arm?" Mason noticed the bandages

"Dude, are you okay?" Mason asks as we look to see Scott staring at us."Stalker," I mouthed at him to which he smiled at me."I'll talk to you later. I gotta get to class," Liam says.

Liam drags me into school."Liam, hey!" Stiles calls out, and we turn to see Scott behind us."We need to talk -" Scott starts but gets interrupted."No, you need to back the hell up, okay? Both of you." Liam shouts.

"Can you just listen for one second? Please?" Scott asks, and Liam listens."Liam, we're brothers now," Scott says awkwardly."Oh, God, that's..." Stiles says."What are you talking about? We just met, and you bit me." Liam says."The Bite... the Bite is a gift," Scott tells him awkwardly.

Stiles goes to Scott's side."Scott, stop! Please stop." Stiles tells him before looking at Liam."You! You, we're trying to help you, you little runt!" Stiles exclaims."By kidnapping me and my sister?" Liam resorts.

"Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you and Tess, okay? I aided and abetted." Stiles points out."Liam, I've gone through this before. Something's happening to you - something big." Scott explains.

Liam unravels his bandage and shows it to them."Nothing's happening to me. Nothing."Liam says, walking away."Bye, lads! Superb talk(!)" I said with a smirk. I skipped away and caught up with Liam and headed to class with him and Mason.


Later, during the day, Liam and I were with Mason by the lockers when we saw a girl walking down the stairs toward us."Liam Liam," Mason says, trying to gain Liam's attention. The girl falls flat on her face tripping down the stairs.

I burst out laughing and Liam nudged me to stop and he went up to her."Are you okay?" Liam asks."Fine, do you want to come with me to a party? Your sister is welcome to come along, too." She asks. Liam nods and gets the details.

Chapter two is done ✔️ Next up is the Full Moon 👀

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