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Kunj make Manik sleep and give him his teddy bear,Manik hug teddy bear tightly,Kunj give pack on his pouty lips and walk out the room with small steps he lock the door from outside without any noise and fold his shirt sleeves,he took steps toward basement,he open the door and walk on stairs he enter in dark room and stand beside Arjun and Abhi who were glaring at One person who was tie on the chair.

Kunj-So finally you bring him here

Arjun goes near the man he is the same who misbehaves with Manik,Arjun grabs his hair and makes him look up,Arjun looks up at Kunj who hissed when he saw the face of man,covered in bruises and blood.


He asked Kunj in amusement who clench his fists and come near the man and started to punch him non stop.


He shouted and started to punch him non stop. The man just sat silently because he didn't leave any energy,Arjun looked at Abhi who pulled Kunj back who started to hit him too.

Kunj-Leave me,how dare he?He touch my bun?He make him uncomfortable,Bhai asked him to leave me Ahhh Fuck.

He shouted,Abhi tightened his grip around him,he was breathing heavily,Arjun took one knife and stabbed the man’s hand who let out a yelp.

Man-Ah please leave me,Please forgive me,please.

Kunj-Noo Bhai just killed him,I want to seè him die,just kill him.

Arjun gives a signal to Abhi who leaves Kunj,Arjun gives a knife to Kunj and steps back with a smirk.

Arjun-All yours.

Kunj smirk and started to make cut all over on his body,he was so angry that he fucking don’t care of his cry and shout.After a worst torture,they left the room and take shower after shower they enter Manik’s room and cooed at him,they lay beside him and caresses his cheeks,Manik snuggle into them.

Abhi-He is so pure bhai,we need to protect him from everyone,he doesn't know about this cruel world.

Arjun-Hmm you are right but don’t forget we are his shadow we will protect him from every problem it’s our duty,nothing will happen to him.

He places a kiss on Manik’s head and looks at Kunj who drifts into sleep with an open mouth,he smiles and looks at Abhi.

Arjun-We need to protect him too,he is an agent but an idiot too.

Both chuckled and closed their eyes and drifted into sleep.

Next Morning Manik was sitting on Arjun’s lap with an angry pout while Abhi tried to feed him.

Abhi-Come on Bun,Be a good boy.

Manik(baby voice)-No Mannu doesn't want this, it's bad ewwww.

Kunj chuckled and Arjun glared at him and he rolled his eyes.

Arjun-Bun my baby please this is good for health na please.

Manik-Nooo I don’t want you bawd you big big fuging hell.

He said angrily and fold hand on chest,Arjun look at Abhi with anger who gulp and turn his chair other side,Kunj started to laugh while holding stomach,Arjun pull Manik and glare at him,Manik become scared and started to play with fingers.

Arjun(angry)-Didn’t I tell you it’s bad language?Why are you using it?

Manik(glossy eyes)-He used to,you never scold him.

Arjun pulls him in a hug and rubs his back.

Arjun-Bubba my love,I am sorry I didn’t mean to scare you but it’s bad na next time don’t repeat this ok and don’t worry about Him,If he use this bad language now I will punish him and it’s your duty now whenever you hears him using bad words just tell me ok.

Abhi gulp and Manik started to giggle and clap with hands like a baby,Arjun gave kisses on his all over face Kunj smiled at them.

Abhi-Bhai I hired a new teacher for him.

He said and started to feed Manik and started to eat with a disgusted face.

Arjun-Bubba your new teacher is going to take your classes at home from today so be a good baby and don’t do anything bad ok?You are over good baby na.

Manik-Yesh yesh I am a good Baba.

Kunj-And if he tries to do anything bad then just inform us ok?

Arjun and Abhi rolled their eyes at him while Manik nodded and gave him a tooth smile.After breakfast Manik started to clean his hands with Arjun’s shirt who looked at him with disbelief.

Abhi-Bubba, let's wash your hands.

Manik-No I don’t want,water cold.

He said with pout and cleaned his mouth too with Arjun’s shirt,Kunj and Abhi laugh at Arjun’s pout.

Arjun(whine)-My new shirt…

He whines like kids and Manik looks up at him with doe eyes.

Manik-Do you want me to wash this like your file?

He asked innocently Arjun look at him with shocked eyes and shook head as no like a scared baby.He will never forget the day when Manik draw a duck on his file and when he scold him he take file to washroom and wash all the pages cutely,and then they can’t even scold their baby bun for his innocence🥺.

Manik was playing with his toy cars happily and then Abhi came near him and pulled him in embrace.

Abhi-Bubba medicine time

Manik-No please I don’t like these.

Arjun-If you won’t eat then how do you become a big boy?Don’t you want a big boy like me,Monkey bhaiya and Kunu bhai?

Manik-Yesh I want,How I become?

He asked with a puppy face they pull his cheeks and show him medicines he made faces.

Arjun/Abhi-After eating this.

Manik glare at them cutely,they chuckled and tickle him,he laugh and take medicine like a good baby but he made faces and Abhi give him a candy,Manik hug him tightly and place kiss on his cheek,Arjun started to sulk he giggled and kiss him too.

At the evening time Kunj enter the club wearing black dress and cap he saw one man was waiting for him,he goes near him and sat at his seat,he talk with him for some time and the person looking frustrated and angry at Kunj,Kunj was smirking at him non stop,the man sigh and give one bag to Kunj and which is filled with money,Kunj waved his hand at him and come out from the club,The man look at his back and take out his mobile and call someone.

Kunj put the money inside of his car and going to open car door but suddenly someone wrapped around his neck and try to choke him,Kunj hit his arm and try to free himself at the end he hit elbow on his stomach and the boy taken boy,he twist his arm and punch him on his stomach,The boy take out knife and going to stab in Kunj’s stomach but kunj hold the knife which caused he get a deep and big cut on hand,he hissed and push the boy away who fell on the floor,the boy going to attack on him again but suddenly some bodyguards run toward their direction,the boy become scared and run from there,the guards look at Kunj who look at them with shocked expressions.

Kunj-What are you doing here?

BG-Boss(Arjun) sent us here,Are you ok sir?

Kunj-If you here then why the fuck you not come first?

BG-Sorry sir but we are waiting at the front door but you come from the back door.

He said and looked down,Kunj gritted his teeth and looked at his injured hand.

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