Fighting Spirit

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It was around 3:50 Pm when we began our jog to the Kamogawa Gym. It was easy thanks to all the training I have done and the breathing skill.

Although I could see Ippo not breaking a sweat. I was still keeping up with both these stamina monsters which was something in my book.

We started to see a building with a massive glass window. As we went near the door Takamura suddenly burst through it with a loud bang.

POV switch

We see Kamogawa Genji looking at a video tape fight of Renard and Hans as they fight equally for the Title of First place Super champs.

"The world has become simple." Kamogawa sighed after he said this statement.

"Huh Coach? Ah! Hans and Renard." A man said.

"Oh, it's you Yagi-chan." Genji greeted the man.

"Both of them are Super Champs aiming for 1st place right? As the Gym Manager, I dream of hosting at least once in a big match like this." Yachi said with a bit of determination.

A few moments of silence came by except for the commotion outside the doors and the fight on the Tv nothing else could be heard.

Then Kamogawa spoke out.

"I totally agree, as of today the Kamogawa Gym has been running for 20 years now. During this time there have been 2 National Champs, 1 Eastcoast Champ but we haven't gotten one who could challenge the World!" Kamogawa said a bit annoyed. Even though if he died it wouldn't necessarily mean he had done nothing. He didn't wanna die before he could have a boxer who could challenge for the world title.

"Well, we have Takamura-kun" Yachi mentioned the gyms star boxer.

"Yes, hes quite different, hes got both the body and talent to make it big." Kamogawa praised Takamura. In his eyes Takamura had the potential to challenge the world.

"Oh, that reminds me. Takamura called me earlier." Yachi Informed the old coach.



"Yo, I'll introduce them hold on." Takamura said. The others were looking at the new arrival of Takamura and 2 other people that looked like brothers.

"This is Makonouchi Ippo, hes gonna start training here today." Takamura introduced him.

"Nice to meet you all!" Ippo greeted them.

"And this guy over here is Makonouchi Dankai, hes 1 year younger than Ippo but hes a candidate to train here so greet him." Takamura announced.

"A pleasant afternoon to all of you." Dankai greeted them.

"Oh" "nice to meet you" "Hey" "welcome"

Everyone had a different reaction to Takamura bringing in two newbies but they all greeted them anyways.

Kamogawa looked stunned seeing the two newbies Takamura brang, while Yachi just awkwardly laughed at the side.

"Oh? Perfect timing Old man, these guys are gonna start training here from now-" Takamura couldn't finish his sentence as a walking cane came and grabbed him by the neck.

"Get over HERE for a second!" Kamogawa ordered.

"AH, IRK,, ITEI! Old goat what is this for!" Takamura complained.

"SHUT UP AND WALK" the old man yelled out.

"Well that just happened." Dankai helpfully added.

**Behind the doors**

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