chapter 6

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"I am so excited to meet your sister bakashi! You're no cool but I hope she is"

Obito said as all of them sat down with Kakashi and Rin on the couch

Kakashi just rolled his eyes at his best friend

"Whatever, Obito."

He said before looking at his mom and dad. They were sitting on the couch in front of them, looking at them with their gentle smile

"So mom and dad, where is the girl I am supposed to meet?"

Kayomi and Sakumo looked at each other before asking Kakashi

"She's in her room getting ready. But Kashi, tell me this, you had a female student, right? How was she? What was your thought about her?"

Kakashi was momentarily startled when Kayomi asked that. He was quiet for a moment. Even Rin and Obito were looking a little surprised and confused as to why their auntie would ask this all of a sudden

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Kakashi asked, the confusion clear in his voice

Both of his parents just shrugged and ushered her to answer them

He thought for a moment before answering

"Well, Sakura was.... Interesting. She was hot headed. She had a major crush on one of the other students, Sasuke. She could do so much for him, everything for him...."

He said, remembering Sakura how Sakura waited 3 years for Sasuke

"She was a quick learner. Had good grades and was all in all a good kid. That was the first I knew of her... But she grew up to be a woman I truly respected."

He chuckled, thinking of Sakura saving thousands of Shinobis in the battlefield

"I never really thought she could do much... But how wrong I was. I was a stupid human, trying to find myself and comfort him. I neglected her... Always, but I don't know why, still she had a huge amount of respect towards me. She cared about me. She was actually the only female I ever relied on other than Rin and kurenai

Sakura tried to always take care of everyone even when we were all separated. She was the one who made me food when I came from long term missions, brought me food, wait for me in the graveyard when I spent hours, talking to everyones graves"

He smiled, remembering when Sakura would be there for him when he needed

" I am guilty of not giving her my attention like I did with Sasuke and Naruto.... Though she never resented me for that. She always called us "her boys"... Although I was far to old to be considered a boy at that point.... I do think that's what she thought of me"

This made everyone chuckle, Obito was the first one to start that though

"All in all, Sakura Haruno was an incredible woman, healer, friend and Shinobi. One of the only few female Shinobi's I respect. She proved I was wrong when I thought she wasn't anything special. She became the strongest kunoichi and healer of our generation. Even surpassing her master, Tsunade Senju."

Everyone who was there could see how proud he was of her. But was surprised when his eyes dropped for a bit

"Although, I love all of my students equally and am proud of Naruto and Sakura, I still regret not having the time to tell her how proud I am of her and her achievements. And I am sorry that I couldn't see her talent "

With that, Kakashi ended his speech. A nostalgic smile on his face. He wasn't looking in anything particular

Even Sakumo and Kayomi were in shock. They had never known their son felt this way. He always talk about Sakura so highly but never once said any of this. Just how she was loyal and a capable Shinobi

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