8 | Flashback Deal

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Your Pov

When Adam finally put me down I punch his arm "never do that again!" Glaring at him as he dragged my hand all over the streets and went inside the park he finally stopped and let go of my wrist, I sighed in relief then sat down the bench "why did you even dragged me here?" My puzzled look made him laugh and grin mockingly "just a simple bet... Really" he looked at me as he was now eating a burrito, my face frowned then crossed my arms "why would I get in a bet with you?" Raising a brow and rolled my eyes as he eats when he speaks then swallows the food "ohoho... Bitch, don't you want your friends to be safe?" He grinned and raised a brow, my eyes widen and glared "what is that I have to do?" Feeling really uneasy this dickhead isn't a person to be trusted.

Nodding my head "fine it's a deal...' He handed his hand my face got a little stern and shook it.

I pulled my hand away then put both on my hip "what on the odds you want to go in with my body? I'm literally a pale cannibal..." Raising a brow he chuckled and grinned recalling out deal "oh no, no... but if your blonde bitch friend have the trust, even one Seraphim... Our deal is off..." I shove his half burrito inside his cock sucking mouth and smirked "fuck you."

Adam's Pov

Couching the burrito out and growled, this fucking cunt! My eyes narrowed at her mockery of laughter, my eyes falls to her laughing face a small smile formed on my face when she looked up at me I got nervous and rolled my eyes "come on bitch let's get something to eat I'm hungry!" I gave her a grin and dragged her with me.

Upon arriving at my favorite restaurant, I brought a burger, and went to munch on it looking at her she seem disgusted at the friend "why did you even ordered for me? I'm a cannibal..." Rolling her eyes she unwrap a wrapper revealing a finger, my eyes twitch a little and looked away as she feast on the finger like a candy "so what's up with this whole thing? Aren't we like hateful enemies 5 years ago..." Blinking my lips pout "well after I cut your fingers you pussy out and hid during the extermination.. and you're good chickening out" Laughing I made a chicken impression referring to her, she slightly laughed she seem calm but I can sense her guard was still up

are we enjoying each other's company?

She stopped and looked up at me, her face was covered because of her huge ass hat, why even she wearing that? My hand removed her hat and look at the white wings of the dove on the top of her hat, she seem puzzled "hey... Don't steal my hat like that!" She snatched the hat away from my grasp pouting I crossed my arms "tsk! Don't talk to me like that, bitch." My eyes glared at her "don't ever wear that it covers your face!" I admitted and rolled my eyes, looking away she laughed "hahah! Do you like seeing my face that much?" My eyes widen feeling my cheeks lit up inside the mask and grumble "ha! As if!" I sighed to myself luckily the mask covers my read face.

Sipping the soda in boredom as she ask questions "so you said like guitars? And putting names on things?" I smiled and nodded "yeah! Thats shits the best!" I exclaimed and continue to suck the straw "can you play for me sometimes? I'd love to hear your songs" My eyes fall back to her small figure then shrugged "yeah fine I'll soon play something" her smile and curious eyes when I answered her questions is making my face heat lit up like fire "is really killing demons worth it?" Blinking I gave her a grin "fuck yeah it is! What's extermination without entertainment..." I grinned and put the soda down and continue to munch on my burger.

She sighed and I laughed "you dumb bitch, you cannot just convince me to change my mind..." She wasn't wearing her huge hat, finally I can see her pretty bitchy face properly, rolling my eyes "I won't change my mind bitch... Sinners deserve to perish even if I die this shit will continue" with a proud grin I continue to eat.

Your Pov

I felt groan left my mouth as he continues to eat like fucking pig, looking up at him "then how could I trust you to take the deal seriously?" Glaring at him, he smiled and put a hand under his chin "oh just trust me... spend under the covers with me, and I can guarantee your safety but remember if your friends convince one Seraphim that a sinner can be redeemed, I cannot do anything about them..." He grinned, I groaned and nodded "yeah yeah I know Adam" he slurps loudly sipping on his soda making me frown.

Fixing my head and blinked as he kept his loud mouth talking "yea, I love ribs it's my favorite shit with everything, my guitar is sweet yeah I rock super hard!" He laughed being proud about his bragging is making my head spin.

"Quit bitching and moaning, you're annoying" rolling my eyes and took out a chopped finger then took a bite, he shivered in disgust making my sharp teeth show "question... Does your tongue bleeds when you bite it?" He asked, he's really curious which is so suspicious my head nods "yeah. I just lick the blood so it won't goto waste" chuckling his face was full disgust which makes me cackle a lot.


After talking a quick snack at the restaurant we decided to stroll at the park "you know I'll keep this golden feather of yours since it's really... Beautiful to have" saying that I clip the feathers on my hair bun smiling cause it highlights the golden feather of your with my white color hair.

"You know you're really pretty for a sinner" he said shrugging, my cheek slightly reddens "thank you... Well Cannibals really like being complimented" My eyes sparkle and look up at him "I consider you a... Friend" he blinked and seems to turn away, I titled my head so I can peek on his reaction but he hid pretty well.

"Whatever bitch, were still not that close, it's been just like what? 3 hours." he punch my arm lightly and I chuckled "well you talked about yourself, saying your likes and dislikes for 3 whole hours. It's not my fault you want to be friends" chuckling I smiled and sighed "I never felt this happy since... The extermination 5 years ago." Looking up at him "oh don't worry about... I do although deserve that, I was scared and... Soo helpless but seeing an Angel I thought it will be my chance to change myself and see my brother again but it's reality... I live in hell and my brother is not with me I-" realizing I was opening up I shut my mouth "sorry to blabber..." Chuckling nervously, I squeaked being pulled into his arms squeezing my body, my eyes looked at his wings as they wrap around my back blushing slightly I gulped and hugged him back.

"Don't ever share that story it's boring." he spoke and it made me chuckle "alright..." He then folded his golden wings back to his hip slightly backing away "hah I should thank you..." Rubbing my head at the back of my neck feeling his hand on my shoulder my face heat up "shut up." My eyes looked back at his blushing slightly as I boop the nose of his mask "boop! Haha..." Chuckling as he turned away and lean back from my face, he pouted and took out a beautiful Lilium flower and tuck it on the upper part of my ear, my cheeks became warms and smile up at the Angel.



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Adam's Pov

My cheeks went back to their hue color and grumbled underneath my mask my gaze turn back to her smiling creepy toothy grin bitch face, my eyes widen and coughed a little WHY IS THIS CUNT SO CUTE, WHY AM I EVEN THINKING THIS WAY?! IT'S BEEN JUST 4 HOURS AND A HALF.

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