Episode Three

506 37 2

At Yoongi's Cabin

Yoongi POV
Why doesn't our past haunt us? Whenever I try to forget our past, It comes infront Of me Somehow, It was a mistake.
I did everything to hide this Secret ,

~Yoongi lost in his Thoughts his thoughts interput by Door knock sound He Managed his cold face Before Giving permision to enter Some one in his cabin One Young Boy come and Bow Towards him~

??- Sir Jk Sir Didn't Came today That's Why I come To take your Sign in this Papers ,

He Handed Some papers To Him Yoongi Look At Those papers and Said

Yoongi - Sehun Just Select top 10  freshner For Enternship Ok
Sehun - sir About Others There's have 30+ application
Yoongi - I want Best For my Company, I don't Have Time To waste For This Stupid Things ok (coldly)

Sehun - Okay Sir (Yoongi Sign Those paper and Handed him back)
Yoongi - and Did You Find Some One for Jungkook's Assistent, He Is Just A Baby He need Some One who can Assist Him in right Way
Sehun - Not yet Sir but (cut by Him)
Yoongi - you've Just This week got it (Strictly)
Sehun - Yes sir (he Bow And Left From There)

~ Choi Sehun 27 Years Old
Work in Yoongi's Company as an employee ~

- Time skip at night -

Jungkook - it's dinner time I should call them (about to go but minji stop him )
Minji - bunny where are you going.
Jungkook - noona actually I have invited three of them to dinner, so I am going to invite them to dinner.
Minji - why you invite them for dinner , Don't they know how to cook ~ angry ~

Jungkook - Noona, today is their first day in this city, they has to shift to the house, perhaps they may not get time to cook, so I thought why not invite him for food.
Minji - There is no need for you to start thinking about others.
Jungkook - but noona What problem would there be if you invited them it's just food ...
Minji - do whatever you want ~~  angrily went from there ~~

Jungkook - What happened to Noona, those boys were so good, why is she so angry with those boys? Anyways let's go Jungkook . Maybe they were all hungry, they didn't eat anything after lunch. ~~ saying that he left from there ~~

- With jimin -

~~ Jimin was sitting on bed while thinking something , he was tensed and lost in his thoughts just then tae come close to him and sit beside him and put his hand on jimin's shoulder ~~

Tae - Jimin please don't stressed yourself , we will do something soon , if you stay like this them appa must be sad please for us don't take stress. ~~ jimin look at tae and smile ~~
Jimin - I'm okay tae don't worry ( smile )
Joshu - minie hyung look if you stay like this na then You will have dark circles under your eyes and you will not look cute. ~~ try to make jimin smile and it's work jimin smile ~~

Jimin - ohhh I see you are making fun of me ( smile ) you little devil come here ..
~~ Tae see jimin smile and smile upper on joshu and tae's face ~~
Joshu - please hyung smile like this you look beautiful
Jimin - my baby come here ~~ open his arms and joshu jump on him , jimin hug him tae also join them ~~
Joshu - don't worry hyung everything will alright ~~ still hugging jimin , jimin ruffled his hairs ~~

Jimin - my baby is beginning to understand a lot ~~ three of them hugging each other not knowing someone watching them from the door with smile on his face ~~
?? : sorry for distributing but can I come inside ( smile)
~~ three of them back and look on the door and smile ~~
Jimin - yeahh why not jungkook and Dont be sorry we are just walking nothing else

Jungkook - I come here to inform that dinner is ready Come and have food
Jimin - thankyou !! Jungkook you really help us alote and we are coming in 5 minutes ( smile )
Jungkook - okay ~~ jk smile and left from there ~~

- Time skip at dinning teble -

~~ jimin , joshu and tae come there and minji and Jungkook also persent there ~~
Jimin - hello Jungkook ( look at minji and bow) hello miss .
Jungkook - hey jimin , please guy's sit here and have food .
~~they three of them about to sit but stop ~~

Minji - .Don't they know how to cook? Just come to eat for free, such a road class people ~ angry ~
Jungkook - noona what are you saying , they will feel bad ( whispered)
Minji - So What am I doing, I am saying the right thing ( roll her eyes )
Joshu - Who does she think she is, how is she insulating us like this ( angrily whispered)

Jimin - joshu keep quiet ~ whispered ~
Minji - .We have given them a place to stay, isn't that enough, now they will eat with us also They have the status to sit and eat with us. ~~ she was literally insulting them jimin and tae was feeling bad ~~
Joshu - eoungh is eoungh miss , We are listening to you, it does not mean that you will insult us like this. You don't have the right to insult anyone like this we were invited to eat ~~ angrily ~~

~~ Jimin hold joshu's hand for stop him but joshu didn't stop and it's not his fault also if someone insult your brothers in front of you then it's common to give them reply ~~

Minji - how dare you to shout at me ~~ angrily ~~
Jungkook - noona I invite them why are you over reacting....
~~ they stop when they hear foot steps ~~
Yoongi - what happing here (cold)

Minji - ask Jungkook hyung , We are giving these people a place to stay, so why did Jungkook invite them all for dinner?

Jungkook : hyung!! They has come today so they had to shift today itself, maybe they would not get time to cook food, that is why I invited they So what did I do wrong, you taught us that we should help everyone.

Minji -  You don't need to think about them ~~ angry ~~
Yoongi - stop fighting you both ~ look at minji ~ you say sorry to them .
Minji - but why hyung ! I didn't say anything wrong..

Yoongi - I said , say sorry to them ( dark voice )
~~ minji don't have that much courage to Denny her hyung ~~
Minji - okay fine ( look at them ) I'm sorry 

~ she angrily left from there without having dinner ~

Jungkook - noona dinner ( look at yoongi) hyung , noona didn't eat anything.
Yoongi - now she is angry let her mood improve and you eat food ~ about to go but jk stop him ~

Yoongi - what .
Jungkook - atleast eat with them they feel bad ( whispered )
~ yoongi nod and they start to eating and after dinner jimin , tae , joshu back to their home ~

- With jimin -

Jimin - joshu what was that haa .Is this what we taught you?
Joshu - hyung Didn't you see how she was insulating us? how can i remain silent .

Tae - joshu baby They have given us a place to stay, we can't talk to them like this
Joshu - hyung she did wrong and you're scolding me I'm going ~ he said and angrily left towards his room tae about to go behind him but jimin stop him while hold his hand ~

Tae - jimin he is angry let's go ..
Jimin - let him go , He is not in a good mood right now, he will not listen to anything right now, we will convince him in the morning.

Tae - but jimin .
Jimin - tae don't worry we will convince him in morning hmm
Tae - okay , Then Go And sleep.
Jimin - good night tae ...
Tae - good Night...

~ They Went Towards Their Respective Room ~

( Note - Sehun is New and Important Charector and New characters will be added according to the episode.)

To Be Continue.....
Words - 1270

Hey Minies💜

Sorry For Short Episode, I had my exams that's why 🙂Next episode will Be Long Dw..

How's The Episode Tell Me in comments...

See You Soon Take Care ✨💜

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