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Hey, everyone! Thank you for choosing to read Vines of Hunger, it is so greatly appreciated and I can't wait for you to get to explore this new unknown world with our MC, Naseria!

This is my entry for The Open Novella contest for 2024! Let me know if you are also participating this year, I'd love to read your entries <3

The Blurb for 'Vines of Hunger'

Death was once something I feared, an illusion that brought darkness with it, but now I plead for its mercy in this time that survivors have come to call, The New Order.


It was only a cough to began with, something so simple, it had happened a thousand times before, but with in a few days it was so much more then just a mere cough, it become lethal, and it spread like wildfire.

Twenty year old, Naseria Friedelinde never thought she would be alive to see the world that she grew up with, collapse right before her very eyes, but on the 22rd of August, that was the new harsh reality that she was unexpectedly thrust into, along with her fourteen year old sister, Eliana.

They didn't know how or why the virus had spread and affected everyone they once knew, but Naseria knew that she needed to get her sister as far away from the other people as quickly as possible, but being stuck in the middle of the city was going to make that a tricky situation to get around.

And it didn't help that the virus turned its victims into something else, something they couldn't just run or hide from, something that craved chaos, a thing that sort out death.


The blurb is still a work in progress type of thing while I figure out all of the plot, and not just dote points for it, but it works well while I get to that stage.

My entry for the Open Novella Contest for 2024!

* Prompt used *

52. "And that is how that world was lost and a new one, our world, was born."

Which prompt did you choose?

* a e s t h e t i c s *

* a e s t h e t i c s  *

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• Naseria Friedelinde •

• Naseria Friedelinde •

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• Kalila Hedaya •

 • Eliana Friedelinde •

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• Eliana Friedelinde •


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Vines of Hunger | ONC 2024Where stories live. Discover now