Chapter 4

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The day of the wedding dawned bright and clear. Amy - now - Estella was coifed and corseted, primped, polished, and perfumed to within an inch of her life. She was bedecked in precious gems that were worth more than a year's rent of her former studio apartment. This wedding was the perfect opportunity for the Ridgehoffs to show off their wealth, power, and influence and the count was not sparing any expense in doing so.

If only he had been willing to pay a little more for fabric! She thought despairingly as she looked in the mirror only to be shocked by the amount of ample bosom her low-cut dress displayed. She searched around the room desperately for something that could help her keep a little modesty but was soon whisked out of the dressing room to wait just outside the great hall where the wedding would take place.

At least they didn't skimp on the bouquet. She hoped the giant bouquet of dark red roses would be enough to shield her should her dress cause a wardrobe malfunction in the middle of the church.

The organ music began to play and she took as deep a breath as she dared and the corestery allowed.

You can do this Amy Young. She said to herself, You must do this!

After surviving her stroll down the aisle to her husband's side. She couldn't help but cast side eyes at the handsome man beside her. If she had thought he looked good sitting down, he was even more stunning in full view and in formal attire! Her eyes roved his broad shoulders and muscular arms before she caught herself staring. Averting her eyes forward again she heard the officiant finally draw towards the closing of the wedding sermon.

"... may you be blessed by all here and in witness under the heavens to this happy family we bear witness to the creation of today. You will now seal your union with the exchange of rings."

The priest waved his hand and a pair of adorable children, scrubbed and dressed in their finest clothes trotted down the aisle, Between the dark-haired boy and blonde little girl, they held a frilly pillow with two rings upon it, one large and plain, the other small and set with diamonds. They held the pillow up towards the bride and groom with bright smiles, unaware of the atmosphere of gloom around them. She couldn't help but smile back at them as she reached for the larger of the rings but was cut off by the large gloved hand of the man beside her as he deftly picked up both rings. She held out her left hand to him and he jammed the diamond ring onto her finger, as if reluctant to touch her in any way. He then quickly placed the larger ring on his ring finger and turned back towards the officiant.

He can't even stand to touch me.

The officiant's words signaled the end of the ceremony and she turned carefully to walk back down the aisle side by side with the man who was destined to kill her..

I won't let that happen. She thought desperately, I can't do anything about him hating me now, but I must figure out a way to at least save my own life!

The strained atmosphere between the two families and their supporters shortened the reception considerably. Amy had never been so relieved that the two families did not get along. All she wanted was to get out of her ridiculous dress and into a nice, hot bath. Although they were meant to stand together to receive congratulations from the guest, she felt as if an eight-foot wall were separating them. Alain made sure to never make eye contact with her and to stay out of arms reach the entire time. She glimpsed Jocelyn's worried face once or twice in the crowd but had no chance to speak to her besides the formality of accepting her congratulations. Hers was the only one that seemed heartfelt and without ulterior motives. When the time came to end the reception and retire to the bridal suite, she gladly allowed the Lancey's maid to lead her away.

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