The Chase

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I arrived at the wack a wuggy and glanced up at th tv. "Welcome to Whack-A-Wuggy. This advanced test is designed to assess extent of your reactionary abilities. A duel palm grab pack will be provided to you for this test."
"Around you are 18 sizeable holes. An adorable buggy wuggy toy could appear out of one of these holes."
My face scrunched up, "Adorable...Yeah, right."
The tv continued. "If one comes out, hit it with your grab pack. That's all. Good luck."
I glanced up, noticing Mommy behind a glass window. "The toys in this game used to have strings attached to them. So they could be pulled back when they got too close to the children" she explained and giggled, "Have fun!"
I cursed under my breath and kept my guard up, looking around as the lights went dim.
I hit the last wuggy and the lights turned back on. "Oh. You did it" Mommy said in a disappointed tone, but changed her mood to happy.
"Hurray! Mommy is so proud of you! Here. Mommy has another hint for you." I watched and heard something open. I looked over, seeing her hand holding a second piece of paper from a vent.
I walk over and grabbed it. My eyes narrow, "A color sequence this time..." I muttered. "Only one game left to play" Mommy spoke, "Sad...Mommy was hoping you'd stay here forever. Though, it's never too late to change your mind."
I watched her disappear and noticed the vent open. I walked over and crawled through, standing up and walking down the narrow hallway. I glanced up, seeing broken stairs from the floor and up.
I tilt my head and walk up the stairs, pausing and jumping to a singular step. Except, it broke. My eyes widened and I grabbed the railing, my legs flailing.
"Crap, crap-" I blurted out and looked up, seeing a handle at the ceiling where my grab pack could grab. I shoot the left hand out and was taken upwards. I swung my legs and landed on the platform, jumping down to a room with a railway.
I walk down a hallway, but the gate was closed shut. "Huh...Okay, how do I..." I started to mumble, but saw the gate ahead open. My eyes widened, seeing the silhouette of Huggy as it started to walk towards me.
I stepped back, "No...No, no, no. I killed you. I killed you! Stay back!" I shouted. I paused once I saw it wasn't Huggy. It was Kissy. I relaxed, "Oh. Kissy. It's just you. Can you help and pull that lever?"
She eyed the lever and grabbed it, pulling it down and the gate started to open. I smiled, "Thanks" I said and she nods, walking away and disappearing.
I arrived back at the game station, pulling down the last lever. The speakers went off.
"Jeez, have you played these before? You're so good! Seems like you're ready for the final game; Statues! Follow Mommy down the stairs one last time. I hope you had a fun day at the game station. See you next time!"
I groan, "Yeah. Never coming here again...Grabbing my paycheck, Poppy, and getting the hell out of here." I walk to the statues, shooting both the grab pack hands on the lever and pulling the cover open.
I descended down the stairs, walking through the hall.
I arrived at the Statues game area and glanced to the tv. "Welcome to Statues. This advanced obstacle course is designed to test your physical endurance and strength."
"The rules are simple. The lights will turn off. You can move through the obstacle course at this time. However, when the lights turn on, you can look around, but cannot move."
"You may move again once the lights turn back off. The lovable PJ the Pugapillar will follow you."
I jolted at that and looked at PJ. The tv continued, "If PJ reaches you, your test is over. That's all. Good luck!"
I heard lights flicker and looked to see Mommy behind a glass window, "It was always so sad to see the kids go. They called me Mommy because I was the closest thing they ever had to one...But, they come for games and never come back."
"They left Mommy to die alone...Mommy didn't deserve that. But, you...You worked here" she looked to me. "So, if anyone deserves to die alone...It's you...Alex."
I shuddered at that and shot a glare at her.
I reached the end of the course, seeing there was ruble all around. I saw PJ was getting closer. I looked around anxiously, seeing a handle in the air where my grab pack could grab.
I shoot a hand up and it took me with as I swung my legs, breaking through the glass window. I jumped down the hole in the floor, landing underground. I heard Mommy's voice from above, "Where did you go? The game is over. Come back and I'll give you the code. Pinky promise!"
As she continued to call for me, I worked my way up from the ground.
I crawled through a vent, but it suddenly broke. I gasped, falling to the floor. "Ow..." I groaned and stood. "Again? Really?"
I walk ahead and look up to the hole in the ceiling. I then see Mommy diving downwards and my eyes widened. I let out a scream and stumbled back, stepping back to the door.
"I asked you to play fair!" She yelled. "But, you cheated! I hate cheaters! So, we're going to play one. Last. Game!"
"It's called...Hide. And. Seek!" She yelled, her green eyes turning black. She started to slowly count down and the door opened. I took this as a chance and quickly handed down the steps.
I cursed under my breath, "Go faster, go faster!" I picked up speed, running through the underground hallways.
I pulled down the last lever, the gate opening. I sighed, "Finally. These puzzles take forever..."
I walked down the hall, glancing behind me and around cautiously and I turned around a corner. Mommy crawled to the ground and I gasped.
I turned around, dashing off as I heard her loud footsteps. I ran back to the area where I was, using my grab back to grab the handle and pull me up and out of Mommy's view.
I looked down, seeing her crawl across the floor and I heard her footsteps disappear. I sighed, lowering myself to the ground. I walk down the hall, arriving at a different room.
I saw a piece of paper stuck to the machinery and walked over. "Ensure that machinery is clear of debris, wipe machine surfaces of lubricant dirt and other loose debris, check for and replace worn or damaged parts, check machinery fluid levels, check belts for damage."
I looked around, seeing a gear and I walked over, picking it up and walking up the steps, putting it into the machinery. I slid down the railing, landing on the ground.
I used the green hand of my grab pack to turn on the fireplace. As it turned off, I walked in it and grabbed a new gear, walking over to the gate machinery and putting the gear in. I pulled the lever down, opening the gate.
I started to walk down the pathway, until I saw Mommy crawl up the wall. My eyes widened, "Sh*t- nope, no, no! Go back, go back!" I exclaimed and turned around, running back. I ran into the fireplace and closed the doors, stepping back away from them.
I held on the railing, hearing her loud footsteps. They soon dispersed and I hesitantly opened the doors, peaking my head out. I sighed, leaving the room and walking down the hall.
I reached the next room and glanced around, but noticed a lever. I raised an eyebrow and pulled the left hand trigger, the hand grabbing the lever and pulling it. The wheel turned and I saw Mommy as she put her hand on the ground.
I gasped, "Aah! F*ck!" I screamed and took off back to the room where I was. "No, no, no! Go away!" There was cobweb blocking my way, so I turned a right. Debris fell down, so I ran through a doorway, jumping down the broken floor and running through a sewer pipe.
I let out a yell as I saw her in the pipe with me. I dashed off, running different ways to get away from her. I got out of the pipe and shot the left cannon hand up, grabbing a handle as it pulled me up.
I jumped onto a platform and ran off, my grab pack grabbing onto another handle and swinging over to a platform, landing safely and I ran off, sliding threw a hole as I landed to the ground on my feet.
I ran to the lever next to the gate door, pulling it down and the gate started to open. I crouched and crawled from under the gate, standing up and running down the hall to the door at the very end.
Everything hurts. My legs, my hands, my back...Even my eye. It's starting to sting again and bleed through. I arrived at the door and the grab pack blue hand shot to the handprint, it slowly loading. I groaned, "Come on...I really don't need to die right now."
That's when I heard it. My eyes widened and I looked behind me, seeing Mommy crawling onto the ground towards me. I turn to the door, "C'mon, c'mon...Faster!" I groaned. It finished and the door started to slowly open.
I crouched and just crawled under the door, standing up and then saw a large shredder machine. I ran over and pulled down the lever, activating it. I yelped as Mommy ran into the room, putting her hand to the shredder and I stepped back.
I watched as she let out screams of terror, her hand starting to be taken into the machine. "What have you done?!" She shouted, half of her arm snapping off, but her leg now got stuck in the machine.
"You can't do this to me!" She let out a scream of pain and terror as her body got sucked into the shredder, blood splattering everywhere and she went limp, her head falling off, still connected to her shoulders and chest.
I let out a shaky breath, "...Looks like you're done with now." I glared at her corpse, but noticed a long, sharp metallic hand come out from under the gate next to her and dragged her head with it.
The gate behind me opened, "Okay then..." I turned around, continuing on my journey to find Poppy.

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