Chapter Three

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The grand banquet hall glittered in its display of decadence as the first course of the evening was brought forth. Crown Prince Leander's eyes sparkled with delight at the sight of whole wheat baguettes accompanied by an array of flavored butters, and pikelets nestled in beautiful woven baskets. Behind and slightly to the side of him, Jenkin, his faithful valet, observed his charge with keen interest.

"Ah, pikelets and baguettes," Leander mused, his tone light and jovial, "The staff must have remembered they are my favorite appetizers." Servants glided through the hall like graceful swans, placing the baskets of bread before each noble guest. Leander eagerly reached for a baguette, tearing off a hearty chunk and slathering it generously with rosemary-infused butter. The flaky crust yielded to reveal the soft, warm center. He savored each bite, the flavor mingling sweetly on his tongue.

"Indeed, Your Highness," Jenkin replied, attempting to hide the smug satisfaction that tugged at the corners of his mouth. He had been with Prince Leander since childhood and knew his preferences better than anyone else in the kingdom.

No sooner had Leander finished his portion when the clinking of cutlery ceased and all eyes turned towards the large double doors at the far end of the room. A new wave of anticipation washed over Prince Leander as he recognized the familiar rhythm of the banquetthe second course was about to be served.

A parade of servants bore steaming bowls of soupe à l'oignon gratinée, onion soup gently fried and served gratinéed with a large cheese-covered toast floating atop. "Another favorite of mine!" Leander exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise and anticipation.

"It seems fortune smiles upon you this evening, my prince," Jenkin replied.

It took all of Leander's royal training to keep from noisily slurping the rich, savory broth. As he munched on the cheesy bread, he couldn't help but let out a contented sigh. The warmth of the soup spread through him like a comforting embrace, chasing away the lingering chill that had clung to him all day. He'd always loved soupe à l'oignon gratinée, and he couldn't remember the last time he'd had it prepared so perfectly.

Beside him, Jenkin watched with a mixture of pride and trepidation as his plan unfolded. It was clear that Leander was thoroughly enjoying himself, blissfully unaware of the trials that awaited him as the feast progressed.

Leander beamed throughout another conversation with an interesting young lady, savoring a mouthful of the rich, decadent soup. "I can hardly wait to see what other delights await us in the courses to come," he said. A hush fell over the room—third courses were always elaborate and meal enough on their own, and Leander's excitement was matched by many others in the banquet hall as the doors swung open once again, revealing a procession of servants carrying silver platters.

Leander stared at his plate in disbelief. "Lobster cutlets," he marveled, lifting a forkful to his lips. "I cannot believe my luck." The lobster cutlets were fried, golden, glistening, and speckled with herbs. Succulent and flavorful, it burst with a briny, buttery taste that melted in his mouth. As Leander enthusiastically polished off the seafood dish, Jenkin glanced sidelong at the prince, noting with satisfaction that the jacket and waistcoat were already beginning to strain ever so slightly against Leander's trim figure.

As the fourth course arrived, much of the nobility who had eagerly participated in the third course left for other entertainment, while those put off by seafood took their seats, but Leander found himself faced with yet another beloved dish, goose and dressing. The tantalizing aroma wafted through the air, causing Leander's heart to flutter in anticipation. The browned crispy skin of the roasted goose was perfectly seasoned with spices, and the dressing was rich and dotted with bits of savory sausage and aromatic herbs. The aroma alone was enough to make anyone but the staunchest of vegetarians' mouths water, and once again, he set upon the meal with gusto. As he took his first bite, an involuntary moan of pleasure escaped his lips, something which was definitely not within Queen Irida's mandated list of acceptable behaviors.

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