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The game turns out to be really fun.

There was a breeze in the air the whole time which make me relieved that I went with a black tube top, dark blue denim shorts, and Ezra's unbuttoned Mariners jersey instead of that dress.

As we're trying to leave the stadium, though, fans swarm around us, shouting for my father's attention. All of their words mix together, making me unable to hear specific phrases.

My heart races in my chest as the people around us seem to multiply and for a second there, I even stop walking. My eyes scan the area, trying to find a way out of this crowded place, but I can't see past the people.

Lucas steps ahead of us and him and his friends shoo away the people blocking our path.

I feel a hand on my back and shoot my gaze to the left, where Ezra's attention is solely on me. I can't hear him, but his lips look like he says, are you okay?

I nod and force my feet forward. He removes his hand from my back, but remains right beside me as our group continues through the stadium.

Security guards cut through the crowd, and end up escorting us to our rental SUV.

When we get to the car, I blow out a breath of relief.

I get into the front seat beside my dad, trying to push away the sadness at how disappointed he looks. "You were right," I tell him as the guys load into the back.

He looks over at me and keeps his tone light despite the frustration in his face. "About what?"

"The Braves winning."

It was really fun to watch despite rooting for the Mariners. It was a close game, but Atlanta won by just two points.

My dad smiles then ruffles my hair. "I love you, kiddo."

"I love y–"

"Dad, can you take us to the mall?" Lucas asks, buckling his seatbelt. "We don't want to go back to the house yet."

"The mall?" I turn around, trying not to give him a weird look. I don't think my brother has ever stepped foot into a mall before.

"What?" My brother bites out. "They have good clothes there."

I shrug, facing forward again. "Whatever floats your boat."

"Sure," Dad replies to Lucas as he backs out of our hidden parking spot. "I'll drop you guys off, so long as you don't lose Indi while you're there."

"I just wanna go back to the AirBnB," I say.

"Me too," Ezra says from the backseat. A moment later, he adds, "I'm tired."

"Okay," Dad says. "Hey, Siri. Give me directions to the nearest mall."


After a couple hours of lazing in the bedroom with anxiety quietly humming through my bones, I decide I can't take it anymore.

Usually, this is when I go for a run, but I'm in an unfamiliar city. However, I remember my dad mentioning that there's a pool.

Which is why, instead of going for my usual coping mechanism, I grab a red one-piece swimsuit out of my suitcase and a pair of sandals I brought with me then quickly change into them. I also go to the bathroom and run a makeup wipe over my face so that it won't come off messily in the pool.

Once my hair is tied up and a towel is draped over my shoulder, I go into the kitchen-dining-living room. My dad is somewhere else in the house taking a nap and one quick glance in the living room tells me that Ezra is laying on the couch. His phone is propped up on his chest, one of his hands is under his head and the other is holding the phone, presumably scrolling through some social media app.

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