estrellas~chapter 35

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I woke up in Jeremiah's bed and I felt like I was suffocating, he had rolled completely on top of me. I saw the time and it was nearing three in the morning.

"Jere," I whispered, he was too heavy to move off of me.

"Hmm," he grunted, still very asleep.

"Move," I said while laughing.

By now, he had started to wake up and notice how his body was indeed on top of me.

"Sorry, my bad Laur," He rolled off giving me room, now our faces facing one another.

"Hi," I said while blushing.

"Hi," He said, he grabbed a piece of my hair and moved it behind my ear.

"Car sex was interesting," I said.

Jack and Rose made it look easier than it was.

"I enjoyed it," He said sassily.

"I enjoyed you," I smirk, I press my lips against his, I pull away and he's smiling.

"I love that I can do that now, whenever I want, for the next four years," I say.

"I love you, Laur," He says while staring into my eyes.

"I love you, Jere," I answered back.

"Promise me we'll be together?"

"We are together," I responded.

"Forever?" He asked.

"Jere..." I say while brushing his hair from his face, "I'm never going to leave you, never again." I kissed his forehead, "What we have is forever, I don't want anything else but you."

I booped his nose, "You're silly, Jeremiah Adam Fisher."

"You're my everything, Lauren Eva Fisher."

I rolled my eyes, "That's not my name."

"It will be," He said, interrupting me.

I felt my cheeks flush red. I grinned and shoved my face into his chest. His arms wrapped around me.

I don't remember much else since we fell asleep soon after, all I did know was that Jere will forever and always be my one.


Waking up in the morning next to Jere would usually be amazing, unless thunder didn't wake me.

It sounded as if someone was shooting a gun into his window.

It startled me awake.

"Damn, it's pouring," I say as I jump, I look over and see Jere is already at his desk working in a notebook.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I'm trying to draw a tree," he seemed focused while looking outside the window.

I stood up and looked over his shoulder. It was nowhere near Picasso but his focus and effort were showing.

"I want to learn to paint like my mom."

I sat back on his bed and watched him draw more, every whisk of his pencil he made had pure determination.

"I think I'm done," He says.

It's still pouring outside and the tree looks completely different than twenty minutes ago.

His drawing isn't really bad?

"Greek God Jeremiah can draw!" I say while kissing his cheek, "Maybe you could draw our portraits this summer," I say.

He laughs, "I'm not that good."

"Yet," I finished.

Then my phone rang, I knew who it was by the ringtone, I jumped to answer it quickly before he changed his mind.

"Conrad!" I yelled as I clicked Answer.

"Hey, Laur..."

He hadn't talked to me since that text, "Conrad! Holy shit, um, how are you? I was so worried.."

He cut me off, "I'm good now, I'm sorry. I just... It's hard without Mom."

"Shh, Connie it's okay, she will always be with you," I say to try and comfort him. I wish I could have gone to California to be there for him, but I couldn't.

"You and Belly remind me so much of her, when Belly broke up with me again everything went to shit. I texted you because... because I needed you," He said.

"I'm always here Conrad!" I think I said it in more of a scolding way but I just wanted him to get it across his mind. I had completely forgotten that Jere had been listening, I think he might have gotten jealous. I grabbed Jere's hand as I continued speaking to Connie.

"I know Laur, I just. I thought that if I pushed you away it would be different than losing you," He said.

Jere was visibly angry, he grabbed my phone from my hand and started speaking to him, "Really Con? You worry Lauren and I for days and now you're going to confess your love for her?"

"Jere," I say, "That's not what he's doing."

"You're too nice Laur, it's clear he's in love with you. He can't let me have one thing, he got bored of Belly, and now wants you again!" Jere yelled to me. I froze, he never got angry like this, and he never yelled at me.

"Oh stop being such a child!" I heard Conrad yell, "You really are so insecure that she would leave you like that? Maybe if you keep acting like..."

Jere cut Con off, "Acting like what!"

"A Brat!" Conrad finished over the phone, "I'll talk to you later Lauren, or, never mind, have fun with Jere..."

"Con, wait!" I tried to say before Conrad hung up.

Then the room went silent.

My eyes stayed on the floor, I was still on Jeremiah's bed and he was still at his desk.

Jeremiah's phone got a notification, he laughed and looked at me.

"Conrad just texted me," He starts, "He was going to tell you that Belly and he got back together, " Jere just looked at me ashamed.

"That will be interesting," I say. I start to laugh, when I feel uncomfortable or awkward I just laugh, I can't help it.

I look at Jere while I'm laughing nonstop, "Do you even trust me?" I say, tears form in my eyes as I continue to laugh like an insane person, "He called me to inform me that he got back together with my sister, and you accused him of being in love with me."

"Lauren, I trust you, it's him I don't trust," He said. A classic line from any movie where the main heroin gets her heartbroken.

"Okay Jere," I say to him. My rings become my main priority as I fidget with them. He moves over, sits on his bed with me, and wraps his arms around me as I continue to cry and laugh. Ultimately I don't know why I'm crying.

"Why am I crying?" I ask him.

He had a sad smile on his face, "I love you so much Lauren, I'm just scared I could lose you."

"You never will lose me, I'm all yours Jere, please believe me," I beg, "Conrad is a friend, only a friend, I would never leave you."

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