Be original, Seriously..

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Haters have fortunately not posed a significant problem for me, though there are a few persistent ones, typically the same three individuals. One of them even went so far as to say, "May Allah save you," despite the fact that Islam is not my religion—I identify as Buddhist. Anyways, my religion is not for this journal.

Most of the hate comments I receive are pretty unoriginal, such as "It's hunting season" or "Stop being a therian." These remarks lack creativity and serve only to try and rile me up. If individuals are going to express hate towards me, I would appreciate it if they could at least come up with something original rather than resorting to tiring repeating comments. It's clear that many haters operate from a place of insecurity, projecting their own issues onto others. Ultimately, their actions say more about their own struggles than they do about me or the therian community as a whole.

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