The Surge

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Weightless, cold, empty, alone.

If feels like I've been in here forever. Is this… is the the normal end of life?

The afterlife is nothing but a dull black, a place that forces your mind to travel to other places.

A twitch.

A twitch?

I haven't felt anything in a long time.

A spark maybe?

The start of a fire. All it begins with is a small spark.

A light illuminated from my chest.

You're still doing things even though I'm dead? Give it a break.

The ‘orb’ wasn't such a sphere anymore.

It was… a heart? My heart?

The color wasn't just green, instead golden. Cracks ran along the surface.

Ew. I liked the green much better.

The glow shined down showing my arms.

Arms! Ah! It feels so good to have a body! Being in this void without a voice or body would drive one crazy.

Reaching out to the heart it sparked, shining brighter.

What are you doing, little thing?

My eyes widen watching it circle around me.

Once, twice, every spin around it only grew faster leaving a golden trail in its wake.

It continues its rotations, fully covering my vision.

I leave one solid cold to be consumed with another one, at least it's shimmery.

Blinking my eyes open the golden color was gone, instead replaced by the bright sun beaming from the sky.

A rough material scratched against my back, uncomfortably.

“Sun” I mutter bringing my hands up to block the light.

“Y/n!” A voice yells, I attempt to sit up only to have a mass push me back down against whatever I was on.

The hell?!

Looking at the thing on top of me, someone in a golden ninja suit’s hands pawed at my face.

Strangers here are so touchy.

The voice laughs, leaning up. “It's me you idiot.” The person pulls his hood off.


I am alive.

I'm alive and…

“Right in front of me.” He grinned returning to pawing at my face adoringly.

His hand made it's way to my chest, pressing where the gash previously was. I glanced down myself seeing a large scar in its place.

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