before you | 1

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A/N: this is my first ever story so if you're reading this THANK YOU, I hope you enjoy my story and don't forget to drink water:) 

PS. I'm not dating my English teacher irl, i only have a crush on her, this story will have some scenes that I experienced irl or atleast hoped to experience, btw English isnt my first language so if I have made any wrong grammars pls point it out, It would help y'all<3

"Can I have your attention please" my dad said while tapping his glass with a fork getting everyone's attention, he loved that, when the entire focus is on him, when the room turned silent he said "As you have all gathered here to celebrate my daughter's 18th birthday,I would just like to say that if perfection was a person then it would be Curiosity, it is no secret to most if not all that curi is one of those people who makes everything 10x better,I would know I've lived with her for the past eighteen years"

people smiled at that, they knew what my dad said was true because that's what I wanted them to see, me being perfect,I am expected nothing less.

"So without further ado Ladies and gentlemen my darling daughter Curiosity Morgan"

Cheers can be heard even behind the door,this was it, the golden moment where everything is about me, I knew what to expect I could see them thru a small window but they can't see me, but yet there it was again, that nagging feeling in my stomach that just won't go away, the doctor said it was anxiety but I already took my pills, I feel like I'm going to throw up, No, i am going to throw up,my heart was beating soo fast,I needed to be out there right now and yet I can't move, frozen in fear that I might make a fool of myself and this will be how everyone will remember me.

Ding! Ding!

I glanced down at my phone and saw my mothers text telling me to get out there,and that's all I needed to push all my emotions and thoughts down to a deep deep box for the next hour. Just 1 hour of smiling and acting perfect then I can go to the real party that my friends prepared for me.

NOW, my brain screamed and just like that I'm opening the door and being overwhelmed by the flashing lights, Cheers can be heard getting louder now that I'm in sight, I heard my dad breath a sigh of relief when he saw me come out, adjusting to the light I saw everything much clearly now, the entire room was gorgeous, white pillars supporting the building was littered with different flowers, although the lights were blinding, when I looked up there were pink fabrics wrapping around the room tied to the gigantic chandelier in the middle, standing on top of the staircase looking down I saw everyone or well I saw their jewellery and shiny expensive dresses, that's the thing about rich people they loved their diamonds so as I tried looking at them Their jewels reflected the light trying to blind me.

"Once again ladies and gentlemen, Curiosity Morgan" my dad said and that was my cue to start talking

I rehearsed this speech a million times so the words just naturally glides off my tongue, "Standing in front of everyone here today, I am thrilled that you got to be here on my special day, an 18th birthday only happens once and it signifies a little girl turning into a young woman,so as this night goes on please enjoy yourselves, eat, drink, and mingle, have a good time and once again thank you" I breathed out and smiled, after they cheered my dad took my arm and aligned it to his as we made our way down the stairs case, a classical music can be heard in the background, and as we made our way to the center of the room, it was time for our first father daughter dance as a now woman.

1 hour and 30 minutes later

It wasn't actually as bad as I anticipated, I actually quite enjoyed myself earlier, after the dance I began to explore around the room and greeted each guest, the room looked even bigger when I was apart of the crowd, there were so many small details that I loved about it, like how the waiters had a pink carnation in their shirt pocket instead of the usual red rose, and the entertainments being phenomenon. and now 1 hour and 30 minutes later I am back in my room getting ready for my real party, I took a glance at myself in the mirror and admired how I looked, Im actually impressed mom did such a great job at picking my dress, it was white with a pink silk bow wrapping around the waist with pink and white beads scattered at the tip of the dress slowly fading to the top, my hair are in two braids with a bun with so many small details like the rest of my party, and in that moment I felt like a princess. After snapping out of my daze I got changed quickly and head over to my new car that my dad bought me, and head off.

Arriving at my real party I sent a quick text to my friend Katie that I've arrived, she's the one whose parents own the house and planned everything for me, walking to the door and it suddenly flung open and there stood Katie gasping when we made eye contact, "omg you look breath taking" she complimented me, I actually took so long deciding what to wear before I settled for a tight pink dress with bows for straps so I was happy someone liked how I looked

Blushing I said "aw thanks but you oh my you look beautiful" taking one more look at her before being engulfed in a hug

"Happy birthday curi" she whispered in my ear before pulling me inside to see the others, "you took soo long to get here but it's all ok since now your here and we can get this party started,but first" before she could say anything else we reached the living room and everyone jumped out saying happy birthday while firing confetti canons

"You guys" I exclaimed, I'm so grateful for them,their the best friends I could ever ask for, scanning the room I took inventory on everyone there, we made sure to arrive early so we got some private time before other people showed up.

there were 10 of us, first I saw Matteo or as I called him mat, he has curly brown hair, deep brown eyes, and tan skin with a band aid on his left cheek since he gets into fights....alot, then I saw Christy, people think she's just a dumb blond most of the time because shes the girl next door type of beauty but what people dont know is that she's one of the smartest in the room, next I saw the twins Yila and Yana, the "Asian twins" as they were labeled since they were the stereotypes, jet black hair with slant eyes and pale skin, it also helps that they Excell at school, right next to them are Nate and Harry, they're the closest thing I have to brothers, and people often think they're my brother's because  give death glares to every boy who tried to ever flirt with me, they were holding now empty party canons with big stupid grins across they're faces like twisting those canons was the best thing they ever did, then my eyes landed to the boy next to harry, The boy who had Sandy blond hair and the brightest blue eyes, the one I call my boyfriend,Isaac, he was coming towards me with a cake in one hand while the other is protecting the candle to make sure it doesn't burn out, he was still wearing the taxedo he wore earlier but without the tie, behind him holding a camera while smilling was Lexie, she had black wavy hair and deep brown eyes that almost looks black indoors,then finally my eyes made its way back to Katie, even tho they are all my best friends the one I trusted and loved most was Katie, she had curly Ginger hair,light freckle, and light green eyes, she's like a sister to me as I am to her, and without saying anything hugged her, happy tears spilling from my eyes

"Hey I helped set up balloons where's my hug" Nate said pouting and everyone laughed

Pulling away I opened my arms wide and suddenly everyone ran towards me and we all had a big group hug

Slowly as we pulled apart they started singing happy birthday and Isaac came towards me "happy birthday love" he said with a smile, I smiled back then blowed the candles,after that we sat down and started talking while eating cake.

A/N: first chapter done,YAY!!,I hope y'all liked it, if you did this is for you->💐

Word of the day-
a delusion in which a person believes that another person is in love with them.

Word count:1593 words

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