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⁕ A r p a n a  P a t h a k ⁕

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⁕ A r p a n a  P a t h a k ⁕

1 4  J A N U A R Y  2 0 2 2 ,

Channel - News/365 India

"Due to excessive fog and low visibility, a tragic accident occurred on National Highway 24 in the Delhi-NCR region. The incident took place on the morning of January 13 at approximately 06:15 am. It was a Sunday morning, coinciding with the Lohdi festival.

Many people were driving back to their hometowns near Delhi to celebrate the festival with their families. 

It is reported that 4 people have died and 12 people have been injured, with 5 of them in critical condition. 

The chain of events leading to the collision began when a Tata Tiago car crashed into a truck that was traveling ahead of it. This initial impact set off a series of subsequent collisions, ultimately resulting in the devastating accident.

Emergency response teams quickly responded to the scene, providing immediate medical assistance to the injured and working to clear the wreckage from the highway. 

The injured individuals were promptly taken to nearby medical facilities for treatment, while authorities commenced investigations into the circumstances surrounding the collision.

Our thoughts and condolences go out to the families and loved ones of those affected by this tragic incident. 

We will now connect live to our on-site reporter, Deepak, for more details."."


O N E  M O N T H S  L A T E R

Dear Aaru,

I've been considering quitting this habit of calling you 'Aaru.' Though your full name, Arpana Pathak, is a bit of a tongue-twister for me. 

We've never really used lovey-dovey pet names, which works so well for us. I remember when I tried 'baby,' and you wrinkled your nose—it was pretty funny. 

But when you called me 'Ruh', it felt like my soul had blended perfectly with my essence. I felt a bit sad though when you chose to keep our relationship a secret. I wondered if it was fear—perhaps you were worried about being with a struggling artist who has nothing but his music to pay the bills.

But when you confessed your love, every little detail struck a chord with me in ways words fail to capture. I think love has sparked romance in you, Aaru, which has made me crazy, so crazy. 

But, I want you to be more, more than just being "my Aaru." 

Fearless, optimistic, and most importantly, bask in deep happiness...

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