Chapter 20

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We ran through the mist. I felt Clyde bump against People-Things, heard the shouts as people on the left ran into them. Deacon bumped into something or someone, and he released my hand, creating a hole for it to slip through as he pushed the other way. I heard a sharp turn as I barely managed to avoid running into a man.

"This way!" Deacon shouted. I turned sharply, cutting through the mist in the direction of the voice. Clyde's hand in mine was the only thing grounding me.

My blood was pumping so fast that I could feel it in my ears. My breath tore its way out of my body. The air felt too wet to breathe right.

The footsteps behind us were in hot pursuit.

I ran face-first into Deacon's shoulder, and he jerked away.

"It's us!" I shouted, not trying to be separated again.

He grabbed hold of me quickly, and we kept moving.

My eyes scanned the mist, looking for any sign of the glowing red that indicated the walkers. I was shaking in my boots.

Dodging people became more and more frequent as we moved along.

"SAFEHOUSE!" Sam shouted. "I see the leg, I think the steps are-"

"Lead us to it!" Deacon shouted. Sam immediately took a sharp curve, and we followed the new direction.

"Don't trip on the steps!" Sam exclaimed, barely stopping me from tripping as we walked up the rickety wooden rail. We ascended.

The house itself was built like a lifeguard house, from what I could tell. High poles held it off the ground, the wood creaking with the strain of our weight as we moved up. The paint was peeling off in places; white, with a thin blue stripe along the middle.

Someone quickly opened the door, and the rest of us piled in. Deacon quickly shut the door behind us, and I released Clyde, letting my body crumple as I felt the adrenaline start to wind down.

"They won't be able to climb the steps," Deacon informed us. "We'll be safe for the night."

"Is everyone okay?" I asked, finally able to catch my breath. I surveyed the room.

Bethany was already sitting on the queen-sized bed that took up the middle of the room. Sam sat beside her, and Bethany was squeezing her hand. There was a small fire pit, empty of wood, and a simple dresser. There were a few chairs, but it was clear that the majority of us would be sleeping on the floor tonight.

The inside had not bothered with paint. It was all exposed wood, giving it a rustic, camping feel.

"We're okay." Torrent said. She had a hand on Maddie's shoulder. Maddie was crying softly, the tears turning into soft hiccups.

"I'm fine." Bethany said, gravely.

"...I got scratched." Clyde said, his voice grave. Deacon's face morphed into one of both sympathy and horror, and he walked over to Clyde, holding out his hand.

Clyde placed his hand into Deacon's, showing him where my mother had scratched across his skin.

It hadn't even occurred to me that that could be an issue.

"He's going to be okay, right?" I asked, my stomach twisting.

"You don't fully turn unless they bite you." Deacon confirmed. "But he's going to have some grisly nightmares tonight. That's why some people think they're eternally living their worst fears."

"Oh God," I said, fear striking through me. I reached out, and grabbed my soulmate's hand. "Is there nothing we can do?"

"You can let me have the bed." He teased.

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