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Thirds person pov

The shot was heard and before Maxeul could look at the shooter his body was pushed and Jake was hugging him tightly he saw the bullet slowly going towards Jake but he couldn't do anything to stop it,he could feel the ground under him skid away it was like he lost all his balance when he realized what was happening...

Jake's grip was now loosening and Maxeul was now holding onto Jake like his life depended on it. Jake was groaning in pain and Maxeul now held him up all his enemies were now dead but he didn't feel anything he ran with Jake in his arms and Natellie running behind them going towards the car

"Baby just hold on...." Maxeul begged holding Jake more tightly

"Baby I'm sorry it's all my fault please" he  constantly pleads at Jake's unconscious body

Now they all are seated in the car Jake still on Maxeul's embrace and Natellie speeding through to reach the hospital.......

Jake slowly opens his eyes at the sound

"Max...?" His voice slight above a wispher

"Yes baby I'm right here" maxeul says immediately to Jake

Jake reaches out his arm and cups Maxeul cheek to feel him ,he needed to do it to feel to check if it is a dream. But  what Maxeul said to sky goes through his head and how this past week had made him undergo hell

"Is this how it ends.....
You don't love me....."
Jake cries loudly

"I hate you, I wish I never met you" Jake hands now falls down from Maxeul's cheek

"No baby don't say that it was all a lie to distract him"

"I love you baby"

Jake scoffs after hearing Maxeuls words
Now that he knew his life was finally ending he couldn't help but feel anger and helpless

"I love you Jake"
Maxeul repeats himself but it all falls to deaf year as now Jake was now unconscious and Max still continues to wimphered that he loves him and that it was all his fault continoulsy

The trip to the hospital was fast thanks to Natellie's driving Jake had now gone into operation theatre to remove the bullet fromhis head. The doctor said that the bullet was stuck to his skull and luckily they could operate on it. Maxeul just sits outside the operation theatre taking in the information and the doctor starts the operation

After few hours Natellie informed all of Jake's friend who had told his parents now the waiting room was with Jake's parents,Tay who first fought with Max till the nurse had warned him that they would throw him out if he continued shouting loudly and Ismael who was now holding a crying Tay.

Max was sitting in the corner not lifting his head at all, his hands were still stained with Jake's blood it had dried up and now looked like a red dye on his hands and the only thing running in Maxeul's head was the last thing Jake said and he couldn't help but believe it that he hates him and on that thought he blamed himself for it.....

After operating on Jake for twelve straight hours the doctor had come out of the operation theater Jake's mother had now slept after continusly crying and when the doctor came all of them surrounded him

"We have successfully removed the bullet from his head he will be alright but his recovery will take time"

"Thank you doctor" Jake's mother said while holding her husband and crying at the news which sounded good to everybody as they had all hoped for the worst nightmare .... After they heard that Maxeul was shot on his head

--------Skip to few days--------

It's been few days after Jake's operation he has still not gained consciousness and the doctor said that Jake had gone to coma. The operation had undergone a complication but they had managed to save Jake but him undergoing a coma was not expected but they couldn't do anything but wait till he regained his consciousness

Maxeul had now changed his clothes after he was forced by Natellie. Maxeul had not left Jake's bedside and was with him everyday his parents were against it at first and Maxeul just ignored their plead after few days his parents left him to stay, they felt pity looking at Maxeul's state he didn't even move a inch he just sat next to Jake holding his hand and praying for god or anyone that Jake should open his eyes and this nightmare would all go away...

"Hi Jake!!!"
Max chuckled dryly
"it's been exactly seven days that you have been in this bed and exactly thirteen days since we spoke......"

"I wanted to tell you everything after the operation that I stayed away from you because me being with you would make you be in danger so I left thinking it would be for the best but it was the biggest mistake of my life how foolish of me to think that but now I know that I'm the cause of your problems......
I'm the danger that you should be away from....."

Jake lies unconscious there and Maxeul would stay and talk to him everyday and stayed there the whole day just holding Jake's hand and saying him sweet nothings

"Hi Jake....
It's been so many days I want you to wake up and talk to me Natellie is continually nagging me and she wonders why I don't call you baby anymore I just told her to mind her business but......"

Max places his hand on Jake's cheek feeling his skin how it was warm like he was just sleeping and he would open his eyes any minute and smile at him

"But I don't deserve to call you that you were my baby and I had to protect you but it is all my fault"

"I had to be the one who got shot not you!!!!!
You deserve the whole world
But because of me you're here......"
As he completes his sentence his shoulders start shaking and Maxeul starts crying, his cries so loud that it can be heard in the hospital corridor anyone who could hear him could feel his broken cries and now everyone who had ever heard him crying could feel his pain

"Hi Jake!!! It's been twenty days you have been in a coma and it's going to near a month till you have not talked to me....
I re-read the messages you sent to me and I hate myself for not picking up the call from not texting you back. It's all my fault I could sacrifice anything if I could turn it all back even my life "

Maxeul holds Jake's hand and he lays his head on the bed just staying in the same room as Jake would heal him and he slowly drifts to sleep. He suddenly wakes up when he feel his hands
Jake's fingers were moving and they were now holding hands

"J-Jake?? Jake?? are you awake??" Max stutters as he feels it as a dream

Jake eyes slowly flutter open and now he lifts his body up slowly Maxeul helps him sit on the bed silently and he just cries silently thanking the gods that Jake woke up

"Jake??" He calls him again

Jake turns his head he still had a bandaged wrapped around his head his hands slowly touches the bandage and he looks towards Maxeul in shock

"W-who are you?" Jake questions

"Jake it's not funny!" Max replies with tears of relief he hands Jake a glass of water as Jake's voice was hoarse not talking after along time

Maxeul calls for the doctor and the nurses and the doctors head in to check up on Jake. The room was now filled with people and the doctor examined him
Jake could remember everyone but he couldn't recognize Maxeul the doctor told that is was selective memory loss that he took up to protect himself from the past events that it happens in patient who had undergone a drastic event

There are some memories that the brain forgets or tries to keep it hidden as it to traumatic or to hard to deal with, everyone were happy that Jake was now alright and had come out of his coma the doctor told that it will take him a few days till he is discharged.
But the only one that was sad was Maxeul when he heard that Jake selected to forget him, he turned his head again taking in Jake's appearance for the last time as he left the room each step feeling more heavier than the one before.....

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