Chapter 54 - Video Letter

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As with all competition programs, the outline of the debut group was bound to be revealed around the time of the final ranking announcement ceremony.

The finale.

Han Yuyoung, who ate up idol survival competitions without stopping, knew well that the moment just before the finals was the most brutal.

An invisible war is happening.

When posts are uploaded non-stop for various checks and final counterattacks to debut their 'baby.'

"Are there any more interesting posts..."

Han Yuyoung, who had been a fan since episode 1, was passionate.

Today, she accessed a community she regularly enjoyed.

'Just as expected.'

It's something that always comes up around this time of year.

Everyone was busy talking about their desired debut team lineup.

[My dream debut group ATM]

Do Seohan

Ha Junseo

Seo Haim

Jin Sehyun

Seo Ian

Choi Han

Lee Dokyung

Say what you want. I don't care.

-Is it confirmed that seven members will debut?

└it was obvious from the start

└ only 7... thats ridiculous. TBN, I can forgive and forget, so please change it to nine. ㅠㅠ

└I could never be a judge. I want all of them to debut.

- Me now: Please, just one more person...

└Are we twins?

└I'm gonna start going to church again just for this.

-This is my first time seeing someone with the same options as me. Please, let's debut like this, guys.

└I'm going crazy ㅠㅠ If this happens, will I be able to see the chemistry between the youngest members, Choi Han and Seohan

OP: Chemistry? Those two don't seem friendly lol

└You said in the post that you don't care ^^

└Attention to detail

-Erase Choi Han and Lee Dokyung and add Kang Siwoo

└Kang Siwoo is my favorite I'm so stressed out

└Please let our Siwoo debut

└It feels like no one's safe

└Realistically, Kang Siwoo's debut doesn't seem likely.

└Kang Siwoo's core fandom is strong

└Only the core fans are strong lmao

└The PD didn't give him enough screen time, so our boy had no presence ㅠㅠ but for the few moments he did appear, he tore up the stage.

- TBNs last rankings were overturned at the last second.

└Everyone hear that? Dear fans, never let down your guard.

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