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Ch. 20: Trust Isn't Easy

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"I assure you, Mr. Reese," Davis says, "it's not at all preposterous. Your granddaughter did in fact spend this past weekend in New York City with Mr. Bennett.

At this point, I'm not even remotely worried about the FBI. I'm thinking my grandfather is going to kill me once they leave.

For now, he reigns his temper in with a visible effort, but his eyes when he looks at me show nothing but cold anger.

"That was a purely business matter," I tell them.

"A business matter?"

"I am representing Mr. Bennett on a business matter, and I accompanied him to New York to provide legal advice."

"What type of business matter?"

"I'm sorry, that's confidential."

"You're a criminal lawyer, correct?"

"My background is in criminal law, but I no longer limit my practice to that."

"Weren't you hired here to establish a criminal law division at the firm?"

"I'm here, not that it's any of your business, because my grandfather wishes to pass the law firm on to me when he retires. Until that time, I'll be not only establishing the criminal law department, but also becoming familiar with other areas where the firm provides legal services. Such as, for example, representing clients in transactional matters."

"What kind of transactional matter were you representing Mr. Bennett on in New York?"

"As I stated, any legal advice I provided to Max Bennett while we were in New York is confidential."

"Where did you go when you were in New York?"

"I'm sure you know, since you are apparently following my every move." A sudden thought occurs to me, and I turn toward Agent Davis.

"It was you in the restroom in the club in New York," I accuse.

She gives me a blank look, but I don't know if that's for real or if she's just a good actor.

"I did not follow you to New York," she says. Then her eyes narrow. "What happened in a restroom in a club in New York?"

"Nothing," I say. "I just had the feeling someone was following me." I look over Collins. "The same feeling I used to get here in Miami when it turned out you were following me."

"If someone was watching you in New York," Collins says, "it wasn't us."

"Then how did you know I was even in New York?"

"That's confidential."

"Really." I stand up. "I think we're done here."

Collins stands as well. "We came here today hoping we could secure your assistance in our investigation of Maxwell Bennett."

I pause, and frown. "My assistance? What kind of assistance?"

"That you could provide information on who he meets with, share anything you observe about his business activities," Davis says.

"I'm his lawyer," I tell them. "So, no, I won't be observing my client's activities and reporting back to you."

"You do realize," Collins says, "that the attorney client privilege doesn't apply if you have knowledge of a crime that is about to be committed."

"We are well aware of the ethical responsibilities of attorneys," my grandfather snaps.

"If in fact you are aware of any plans to engage in criminal actives," Collins continues as if he had not been interrupted, "I trust you will give us a call." He pauses. "Unless you like the idea of being arrested as an accessory before the fact."

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