Chapter 5

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The hall buzzed with activity, a cacophony of murmurs and gasps that reverberated through the air like distant thunder. Despite Karson's attempt to shield me from the prying eyes of the guests, their horrified stares bore into my soul, weighing me down with a suffocating sense of shame and humiliation. But amidst the chaos, I felt strangely detached, as if I were watching the scene unfold from a distance, disconnected from the reality of my own unraveling life.

Karson's footsteps echoed loudly in the stairwell, each deliberate step a testament to his determination to shield me from the chaos below. Laura's voice, sharp with concern, mingled with Karson's terse replies, but their words seemed to fade into the background, drowned out by the deafening roar of my own thoughts.

"Which room?" Karson's voice pierced through the fog of my mind, sharp and urgent.

I struggled to focus, to grasp onto something tangible amidst the swirling chaos that engulfed me. But my mind refused to cooperate, leaving me feeling like a helpless bystander in my own life, swept along by forces beyond my control.

With a muttered curse, Karson began opening doors, his movements swift and purposeful. The rooms blurred together in a dizzying whirl of colors and shapes until finally, we stumbled upon the bride's room, the air heavy with the scent of flowers and anticipation. It was a stark reminder of the day that was supposed to be filled with joy and celebration, now tainted by betrayal and heartache.

Karson guided me to the edge of the bed before slamming the door shut, shutting out the prying eyes, and whispered rumors that swirled outside like a tempestuous storm.

Silence descended like a heavy shroud, enveloping us in its suffocating embrace. Karson stood before me, his gaze intense and unwavering, as if searching for something hidden deep within the recesses of my soul.

Suddenly, he crossed the room in long strides, his movements tense with pent-up frustration. With rough hands, he tore the short tulle veil from my head, disregarding the delicate pins that held it in place. It fell to the ground in a heap, a tangible symbol of the shattered dreams and dashed hopes that littered the room.

"I'm so sorry," Karson muttered, his voice thick with emotion. "I wish I could have done something but there is nothing I could..."

He turned away, his fists clenched at his sides, shoulders tense with suppressed anger.

The sensation of his rough handling sent a shiver down my spine, but I welcomed it, a reminder that I was still alive, still capable of feeling something amidst the numbness that threatened to consume me.

Then it hit me—a wave of self-revulsion surged up from the depths of my being, a tidal wave of shame and despair that threatened to engulf me. With trembling hands, I clawed at the tiny pearl buttons of my lacy bodice. His mother had chosen this dress for me, it didn't give me the butterflies but yet I had gone with her in desperation to be accepted by his mother. My hands pulled on fabric, desperate to rid myself of the remnants of a day that had turned into a nightmare.

"Help me!" I pleaded, my voice choked with desperation. "For heaven's sake, help me get out of all of this!" I tugged on the dress as tears of frustration rolled out my cheeks.

Karson looked at me as if struck, his shock evident in the widening of his eyes and the trembling of his lips as he stared at me. I saw his eyes go wide.

"Leia, I can't..." His voice was barely a whisper, a fragile thread that threatened to unravel at any moment.

"Why not?" I demanded, my words sharp with accusation. "You've done everything else you could possibly do to ruin today for me. Why can't you help me ruin this dress, too? It all came from your money," my anger bursting out on him even though he wasn't the one to blame.

But Karson remained silent, his gaze full of shock as he kept on staring at me, as if lost in his own private moment. And in that moment, I realized that I was truly alone, adrift in a sea of shattered dreams and broken promises, with no one to save me but myself.

How do you feel about the book? About Karson and Leia. Please let me know your thoughts and views. Thank you for reading.

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