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There will forever be just two words that come to this author's mind the morning after any good party, "shock" and "delight." Well, dear reader, the scandalous accounts from last night's soiree at Vauxhall are quite shocking and delightful indeed.

Emerging, phoenix-like from the ashes of irrelevance, is one Miss Daphne Bridgerton. The illustrious debutante was seen dancing not once, but twice with the season's most eligible and most uncatchable rake, the Duke of Hastings.

I sit with Mama and Lady Danbury on a bench in the park. Daphne and the duke are promenading. Daphne has agreed to continue on with this ruse of courtship with the duke. I know I saw something between them at the Vauxhall ball.

"He is smiling," Lady Danbury states. Mama giggles. "The duke rarely smiles."

"Daphne has an excellent sense of humor," Mama insists.

"She will need it. Life as a duchess will have many demands," Lady Danbury says. "Hosting balls, greeting foreign dignitaries... Daphne will not merely be in society. She will be leading it."

"I have prepared her quite well, Lady Danbury," Mama assures.

I sit with my family in the drawing room. Daphne is playing the piano as sit beside her.

"Two dances? With a duke?" Hyacinth asks.

"He was quite taken with your sister, Hyacinth. The entire party was, for that matter. All eyes were on Daphne," Mama tells her. She holds a plate out to Daphne. "At least enjoy some toast, dearest."

"I am not hungry, Mama," Daphne tells her.

"Are you certain the entire party was not simply eyeing a tear in her dress?" Colin offers.

"Or a misstep she took on the dance floor?" Benedict remarks.

"I do wonder, Daphne, might we count on the duke at the Crawford ball?" Mama asks.

"I should think it a fair chance," Daphne tells Mama.

"What about the Ramsbury ball, Friday? Oh! And what about the grand picnic?" Mama asks.

"We shall see, Mama," Daphne tells her.

"How terrible for Fran that she'll be off practicing pianoforte with Aunt Winnie all season and miss Daphne's engagement to the duke," Hyacinth says.

"Did Francesca leave for Bath already?" Gregory asks.

Eloise rushes into the room. "How does a lady come to be with child?"

I nearly choke on my tea. Of all the things Eloise could ask I was not expecting that.

Mama stands up and walks towards her. "Eloise, what a question!"

"I thought one needed to be married," Eloise states.

"What are you talking about?" Daphne questions.

"Apparently, it's not even a requirement," Eloise says.

"Eloise, that is more than enough," Mama scolds. Eloise trudges off to sit between Colin and Benedict. "Daphne, you were playing so lovely. Please, do go on."

Eloise sits between Colin and Benedict. "I take it the two of you know?

"Do not look at me," Benedict tells her.

"Have you ever visited a farm, El?" Colin asks.

"I hope you are not encouraging improper topics of conversation," Mama warns.

"Not at all, Mother," Benedict assures.

Colin stands up. "In fact, we were just heading off to... take our sticks out."

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