𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

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Of the six members of the Gilded Grove Ladies' Book Club who were not currently sequestered inside the police station, three were gathered in front of the boxy, utilitarian building, watching and waiting. Patricia Kent and Gigi Contini paced back and forth in front of the wide stone steps, expressions of anxiety on their lovely, fine-featured faces. Gloria Davenport stood nearby, a dreamy smile on her face and a glass of white wine in her hand, as though this were a Sunday picnic in the park rather than a situation of unsettling oddity.

And Karen Dwindle. Despite not being a member of the Book Club, Karen was also present. When Darla Vanderbilt, Penelope Fitzgerald, and Charlotte Ermantrude had said they couldn't attend the impromptu gathering at the police station (Darla and Penelope because their husbands were expecting them home, and Charlotte because she had to go “comfort a friend who was having an especially bad day”), Gloria had invited Karen to come along. Karen had readily agreed.

“This is ridiculous,” Patricia announced, glaring at the boxy building through narrowed eyes. The sole of her stylish high heel tapped rapidly against the pavement. “They have no right to hold Marcella in there! What on earth is taking so long?”

“I haven't the faintest idea,” Gigi said as she continued to pace. “Those officers certainly have some nerve! Marcella wasn't placed under arrest — Camilla was! We are entitled to some answers!”

Gloria sipped her wine and glanced at Karen over the rim of her glass. “My goodness! Isn't this just all terribly exciting?”

“You're not worried about Marcella?” Karen asked.

“Oh, well, I suppose I don't like the idea of her being stuck in there,” Gloria replied, tapping her chin in consideration. “But as Gigi said, those officers didn't arrest her. They'll have to release her, once they're done with their questions. Then, perhaps, we'll learn something extra delicious! I can't wait!”

Gloria's optimism felt a bit out of place to Karen, but she did admire how the lovely woman always seemed able to see the bright side.

“Ridiculous,” Patricia muttered again. “This is just ridiculous.”

“Agreed,” Gigi huffed.

The pair of ladies continued to pace, their high heels click-click-clicking across the pavement.

Gloria shrugged amicably. “The wheels of justice turn slowly. That's what my husband always says. He's an attorney,” she said. Smiling at Karen, she appraised the lackluster, brown ensemble worn by her newest acquaintance. “You know, Karen dear, those earthy browns aren't your color. They wash you out most mercilessly. Your complexion demands blues, greens, purples... Something vibrant.”

Karen blushed and glanced down at the ground. “Money's a little tight. I can't afford a new dress.”

“Who said anything about a dress?” Gloria inquired, her eyebrows bouncing playfully. “The right accessory can change your whole look!”

“Well, I have…” Karen dug through her pocket, “three dollars and two bits.”

“Oh, pish-posh!” Gloria tutted, waving a hand in a carefree gesture. “Hold this.”

She handed Karen her wine glass and began to dig through her handbag. After a moment's search, she pulled out a beautiful, delicate blue scarf decorated with embroidered roses. With a flourish, she draped the garment around the collar of Karen's drab dress and secured it with an intricate knot. She then pulled the brown clip from Karen's hair, allowing the thin curls to fall about her shoulders.

“Hmmm…” Gloria mused, tapping her chin again. She took back her wine glass and raised it at Karen. “Much better. It's like I'm truly seeing your eyes for the first time, and they're lovely. So blue! Yes, you need cool colors, Karen. Cool colors in pastels. I'll make a beauty out of you yet! Just wait!”

𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝙾𝚝𝚒𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜 | ONC 2024Where stories live. Discover now