Chapter Seventeen🥀

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That morning the heat and dizziness only got worse

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That morning the heat and dizziness only got worse. I had woken up early because I couldn't sleep due to feeling bad. I was standing in front of the mirror in my room adjusting my summer dress.

The dress is dark blue with black flowers and it reaches almost to my knees. "Cute." I said out loud and soon there was a knock at the door and I looked at my watch. "Come on in." I said and the door opened revealing Alec. "Good morning human." Alec said entering my room and looking around scanning the room, his eyes met mine and I smiled a little.

"Morning Alec." I answered and Alec's eyes wandered down my body looking at my dress I looked down and blushed a little before he started to speak. "I see you haven't eaten much this morning." He said glancing at the food tray that was on its side on the table in front of the window.

"Yeah, I didn't really have an appetite." I said quietly while spinning the ring that was on my finger. Alec raised an eyebrow before stepping closer to me, eyeing me cautiously. "Are you not feeling well?" He asked and I looked up. "I just feel a little bad, but it's nothing." I replied with a smile.

"Do you need to see a doctor?" He asked and I quickly shook my head.

"I thought if your appetite is back we could go on a picnic?" Alec asked cautiously and I saw his eyes flicker shyly to the side before settling on mine. "That sounds really great, shall we?" I said putting on my shoes and opening the door.

Alec led me through the corridors of the castle, towards the kitchen where he took the picnic basket and we continued on our way. I followed Alec, I was curious where he was taking me and soon we arrived at the big doors and Alec stopped, glancing behind him. I watched as he lifted his cloak's hood over his head.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously and Alec gave me a quick glance. "You will see."

"Fortunately, I put on shoes that I can walk in." I joked but Alec's face remained expressionless. I cleared my throat and Alec opened the big door and I followed him out of the castle. I put my sunglasses on my eyes and followed Alec who was surprisingly quick to walk even though he was walking at a human pace.

He soon disappeared into the stairs that led down, and I quickly jogged after him. After a while we arrived at the destination where there were beautiful flowers and a view down to the city.

"Wow this is a beautiful place." I said out loud, looking down at the city and reaching up to take the flower in my hand. Alec had everything set up and I turned around to look at the picnic. "Did you do all this yourself?" I asked curiously looking at the croissants that were filled. Alec chuckled and sat down and I soon followed. "Aro hired a human in the kitchen to cook for you, I asked him to do this." He explained while looking ahead at the scenery.

"I forgot you vampires don't eat normal food." I mumbled out loud and Alec raised an eyebrow at me. "Is your appetite back yet?" He asked, holding out a croissant, which I took with a nod. I ate in silence for a while until he spoke again. "Are you enjoying here?" He asked and I turned to meet the red eyes that were already staring at me. I thought for a moment what to say.

Of course I'd rather be home in Forks, I didn't even want to leave at first, but I was forced to. Staring into Alec's eyes for a moment, I felt a small sting in my heart. The same one I felt for a while in Forks. Alec noticed my long thought because he scrunched his brows a little and turned his gaze away from me.

"Are you and that dog officially broken up now?" He asked suddenly and I blinked in surprise.

"Yes, I don't want anything to do with him." I answered and Alec turned back. "Why do you sound so hesitant?" His voice changed and I bit my lip.

"Remember human I can hear your heartbeat and my senses are stronger." He continued and I stared in silence. "Something's making you nervous? Is it me?" He began to doubt and I felt a gaze firmly on the side of my face.

"It's just all this. I miss my home." I explained to him and Alec nodded in understanding.  "Aro said that I will be able to return home at the end of the summer, but that's..." I continued to explain and Alec moved a little. "You don't want to turn into a vampire." He mumbled out loud and I almost didn't hear what he was saying.

I looked at his face, which was as expressionless as before, but after looking at it for a while, I noticed a small emotion. I put my hand on his and Alec quickly turned his head. He looked surprised. I saw his eyes wander to our hands before he looked at me.

"Yes, I wouldn't want to turn into a vampire, but I know your laws. That still doesn't mean I don't want to get to know you. There's still summer left and I'd really like to get to know you more." I removed my hand from his and cleared my throat. "I'm curious, how old are you?"

"Aro changed me and Jane sometime around 800 a.d." He told and I felt my eyes widen. "Wow you're old." I saw him smirk a little and I smiled to myself. "Is it a problem?" He asked, glancing at me and somehow I enjoyed how his red eyes wandered over my face and body.

"Not really, I was just surprised." I explained to him and for a moment we stared at each other without saying anything.

"Do you have water with you, it's getting hot in here, I'll die of dehydration before you can change me." I joked and Alec's expression was still serious.

He raised a hand to brush his hair out of his eyes before he spoke. "Are you sure you're okay human?" He asked doubtfully while holding out a bottle of water. Nodding, I took a drink of water before speaking again.

"I'm just not used to this hot air." I watched as Alec packed things back into the basket. "Let's change scenery, there is one place you will definitely like." He explained and sped off. I blinked rapidly and it wasn't long before Alec reappeared and I flinched stepping back.

"Come on lets go." He beckoned me to follow. After walking for a while, we stopped in an alley. I looked around at the beautiful concrete walls and my eyes fell on Alec who looked like he was listening carefully to surroundings. "I hope you're not afraid of high places." He spoke after a moment of silence and I raised an eyebrow.

He stepped forward, holding out his hand. "Can I?" He asked looking closely into my eyes and I slowly nodded. Not knowing what we're doing.

Alec took my hand and I was surprised when he swung me onto his back and told me to close my eyes. "Close your eyes and hold tight." Those were the words I heard before I felt the strong wind on my face.

I closed my eyes and held tightly to Alec, the wind was cool and soon I felt that we stopped. I cautiously opened my eyes and Alec tilted his head to the side. "We have arrived." He said and I let go landing on my feet. We were on the roof of a really high building, I carefully took steps closer to the edge and Alec stayed close to me.

"Oh my god Alec, it's beautiful here." I said with my mouth open looking at the city of Volterra from up high and Alec stepped up next to me climbing the railing. "I come here sometimes to watch the sun set and rise." He spoke looking down at the streets and I walked closer to the railing closing my eyes, feeling the wind blow in my face. "Can you take me with you to watch the sunset next time?" I asked opening my eyes, looking up at Alec who turned to look at me in surprise.

He lowered himself from the railing next to me, looking me in the eye. "I can bring you here tomorrow at sunset if you want?" I smiled a little and stepped closer to him, Alec didn't move but just stared.

"I would love that idea." I said and Alec stepped closer this time, raising his hand to tuck my hair behind my ear and this time I didn't flinch.

"You little human sei pieno di sorprese."

𝘿𝙪𝙨𝙠 𝙏𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝘿𝙖𝙬𝙣 | Alec VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now