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   To make it up to you all, I made this little short for you! This is just to stir up ideas in my mind because I've been low on them! Hope you enjoy! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و '-


- DogDay is obviously a dog, (it's in his name) so he has a very concerning jealousy issue. Shown in the last chapter, he gets easily jealous whenever you pay more attention to others that isn't him. He doesn't mind with the other critters, but anyone outside of them he doesn't like. Which is surprising because he's always been fond of new people, but considering you found them abandoned in an ally way—he's sorta' lost his trust.

- DogDay is very attached to you. He is practically glued to your hip because he will refuse to leave your side. Even when going to the bathroom, he waits outside for you to finish. It kinda bothers you that he's waiting for you outside of the bathroom. You want a little privacy as you do your business, so you usually leave the other critters to distract him.

- Whenever it's time to go to sleep, DogDay has a permitted space next to you. He's always on your right, never else. He loves you very much. You are his savior basically. He's proud to call you his mother.

- DogDay loves taking baths with his siblings. Especially when you bring in toys for them to play with. He has a wild imagination. Always making up scenarios for him and the other critters to act out. Sometimes they are pirates, other days they are lost mermaids. Considering he is the leader, he always makes sure everyone is having a great time.

- DogDay love it when you take a sniff of his scent. He knows he smells good, so he doesn't mind.

- DogDay always cries before you go to work. It usually ends up with him attaching himself to your leg, crying. You always have to shake him off, or the critters hold and comfort him. You've told him he has to quit that habit.

- Considering DogDay's charm is the sun, he is a very early bird. He wakes up before everyone and is always filled with energy. He always tries to wake up his siblings into playing with him, but they always brush him off. Most of the time it's Hoppy who plays with him due to her always being filled with energy. They always play in the living room together.

- In the end, DogDay is your child who never wants to leave you. He's always in your view and never gives up on trying to make you proud. He doesn't want to see that disappointment look on your face ever again.


- CatNap is VERY lazy. He's the laziest critter of them all. He's always sleeping, but you don't really mind. The only thing that you do mind is when he sleeps on your pillow that you place your face on. He always leaves hair everywhere. It's the same with other critters, but CatNap drops the most. You always have lint rollers near you due to this. Sometimes you would find him sleeping in the most weirdest places, like a real cat. You find him in your clothes drawer or on top of the fridge. You've just accepted the fact that you have a real cat in your apartment.

- CatNap isn't much of an eater. He eats sometimes, but not much. He's fine with just eating a small portion and he's done for the day. It kinda worries you, but he seems fine. You figured he gets his energy from all of the sleep. Unlike Picky who loves eating, CatNap eats once a day. You try getting him to eat more, but he doesn't budge. He is a very picky eater. He only likes specific foods and doesn't like trying new stuff. He's fine with repeating things.

- CatNap never stops smiling. That was something you noticed from the very beginning. You asked the other critters about it, but all they said was it's his natural appearance. He can't stop smiling even if he wanted to. His grin was permanent. While you had a resting bitch face, he had a resting smug face. You still never found him creepy though. You thought it was cute.

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