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Affan's phone started ringing. He pick up the call and place the phone to his ear. Affan, are you at home?
Khadijah, are you crying? What is wrong with you? Are you alright?
No, I will come to your place. Khadijah muttered.
Okay, No problem I will be expecting you. Affan muttered.
Khadijah hung up.

Affan stood up from the couch he marched to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast.
He heard the sound of the doorbell.
Affan rinse his hand and Saunter out of the kitchen.
He walk to the door and open it.
Khadijah hugged Affan tightly immediately he opened the door.
Affan stand rooted with mouth agape.
He was confused and not comfortable with the contact between them.

Dee, can you please exempt yourself from my body? Affan muttered calmly.
I'm sorry, Khadijah muttered with a sniff.
Affan nod his head.
They walk inside and sit on the couch.
I will be right back. Affan muttered and hurriedly marched to the kitchen.
He open the microwave and sniff the cake.
Affan can't see but has the talent to do what normal people can't do.

He switched off the microwave.
Affan returned to the living room.
Dee, is it you and Jameel?
Khadijah nod her head and then remember Affan can't see.
Yes. Khadijah sniff.
Affan chuckle.
You are crying what did he do? Did he cancel the wedding? Did he cheat on you?

Affan Jameel has a girlfriend. He want to marry someone else.
Why are you hurt then? Ain't you happy?
You don't love him.
Affan his parents are not aware of it and mine too.
My father insist I will marry him.
I tried telling him that I didn't want to marry Jameel but he didn't listen to me. Khadijah cried.

Affan was quiet.
Affan, are you listening to what I'm telling you?
Dee, I don't know what to say. I'm out of words.
I can't advise you to go against your father and I can't advise you to run away from home.
I wouldn't wish you to marry Jameel too.
Then marry me. Affan, please.

Dee, it's not an easy task for me.
Khadijah, I will tell you the truth.
I love you too. I am in love with you.
You have done a lot for me.
You stayed with me. You have everything I envision in the woman I would wish to marry but Your father might not accept me.
I don't want you to be hated by my mother.
My mom hate me and will hate what I have.
I am scared to involve you in...

Affan, it's about our happiness, not our parents.
I will marry you, not your mother.
I don't care if she doesn't like me. All that matters is you like me.
I will try my best to convince my dad.
Khadijah muttered.
Affan Humm.
He stand up and walk to the kitchen.
Take out the baked chocolate cake.
He make two cups of tea and Saunter out of the kitchen.

Affan marched to the living room and give Khadijah one cup of tea.
He sit beside her.
They have their breakfast silently except Khadijah who can't take her gaze off Affan.
I will choke on my breakfast if you keep staring at me like that. Affan muttered.
Khadijah choked on her tea.
Affan, are you sure you are blind? How did you know that I was staring at you? That's strange.

I feel it. Affan muttered.
They finish their breakfast.
Khadijah takes the cups and plate to the kitchen.
She return to the living room.
I love your house. It's beautiful. Khadijah muttered.
Thank you.
Affan, why did you refuse to let Adnan come here?
You need someone to stay with you.

I don't want to keep creating issues with my Mom.
She wouldn't like the idea.
You will stay with me when we get married. Affan teased.
Inn Sha Allah. Khadijah muttered with a smile.
Khadijah's phone started ringing.
She ignore the call.
Won't you pick up?
Why? Who is that? Affan asked.
My Dad. He might want me to come back home but I will not go home now. Khadijah mumble.

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