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Distant shouting, beeping machines, and automated coded intercoms, was what made up the hospital waiting room that Serenity sat in. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. Two hours had passed and she continued to wait and wait until she was met with a doctor. Her butt became numb to the uncomfortable leather chair and her legs became numb from the uncontrollable bouncing.

"Serenity, if you want we can call you when we hear something. Your daughter was also a victim and I think she needs you too." Eryonna spoke, sitting in the chair adjacent to her. While she was trying to keep it together for everyone, she knew she was barely hanging on by a thread. She was scared out of her mind, but she couldn't let it show.

Serenity continued to aggressively chew on the inside of her cheek as she replayed the moment Eryzo was being wheeled out on a gurney, covered in blood. She tried to erase the moment, but her hands were also covered in Eryzo's blood which constantly reminded her that she could die at any moment.

"Serenity, I know it's hard. I know you don't want to leave her, but your daughter needs you. I promise we will call as soon as the doctor comes out." Eryonna reassured her. Unfortunately, Eryonna knew how it felt to be sitting in Serenity's shoes. Her high school sweetheart was killed two years ago while they were kicking it in his driveway.

"Please Eryonna. Please the moment you hear something." Serenity finally replied, snapping back in existence. She felt horrible at the moment. Her daughter and girlfriend was both caught in a traumatic event and instead of following Kenarie, she followed the ambulance with Eryzo.

After Eryonna replied, Serenity gathered her things and exited the medical center. Once she made it inside her car, she rested her head on the steering wheel. "Lord it wasn't suppose to be like this." She mumbled.

She took at least ten minutes to get herself together before she made the drive to Lennox's house. Afterall, she was more than grateful that her daughter was unharmed physically, but she knew that wasn't the case mentally or emotionally.

Once she got to his house, she immediately snuck in to get herself cleaned up before going to his room where he knew they were. She knocked before entering just to find Kenarie fast asleep in her dad's arms.

"You good?" Lennox asked, as Serenity closed the door behind her. She only shrugged her shoulders, sitting at the edge of the bed. She felt like she was in a bad dream, but honestly she felt selfish. She didn't know what her daughter, Eryzo, Amelia, or any of the other children had to witness and here she was dragging her feet around like she did.

"I guess I have some explaining to do. How is she?" She replied, tilting her head at their daughter.

"Still shaken up. I got her washed up, but she didn't wanna eat. She fell asleep not too long ago after we talked to your mom."

"I'm sorry I left you guys. I feel so guilty that I wasn't with you guys the whole time and just running behind Eryzo. My heart was torn into two pieces and I felt like because Narie wasn't harmed physically, that Eryzo needed me the most and I feel like I neglected her. It was wrong and I just hope y'all can both forgive me." Serenity started.

"I don't know what I would've done if Kenarie was in Eryzo's or the little girl's shoes right now and I should be cherishing that." She added.

Lennox carefully laid Kenarie next to him, kissing her forehead as she started squirming around. He wasn't upset with Serenity, just caught off guard. He was completely blind to Serenity and Eryzo's relationship.

"I'm not mad at you Ren. I was moreso confused. Yes, you need to talk to Narie. She needed her mom more than anything, but I can understand that you may have felt like you was stuck in two places." He sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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