Chapter 2 - Exoplanet

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The exoplanet zipped through the kuiper belt. They seemed really offended by Pluto's comment, although it wasn't really that big of a deal.

They didn't remember what happened before now or how they got here in the first place, all they remembered was getting thrown out of orbit by a large force. They were scared, although they were double the size of both Pluto and Charon, they still felt inferior in a way.

I mean, Pluto had so much more knowledge over this place than they had, so of course they felt inferior. They felt inferior because they were inferior.

Eventually they started getting tired from running so much. Your gravity can only take you so far. They abruptly stopped, the momentum still pulling them forwards for a couple seconds after they halted, almost making them crash into an asteroid. Luckily they were just far enough to avoid it.

They were confused. How did they get here? That's all they had been asking themself this whole time, but it also made them wonder...why did they get here? I mean, you don't randomly get forced out of your orbit and off into a random solar system. There must have been a reason for their sudden exit.

Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them.


It was Pluto. Of course it was. They groaned in frustration, why would he even keep following them in the first place? Why did he care so much? And most importantly, why did he keep calling them "exoplanet"?!

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" They said, swiftly turning around to look at Pluto. Their breathing was heavy, as they had just ran thousands of miles without stopping.

Pluto furrowed his eyebrows. "I- I'm sorry, just stop running away! You're going to get hurt!" He was actually pretty concerned for the planet, as getting projectiled into a different solar system couldn't be good. He moved a bit closer to them.

The exoplanet flinched a bit at the sudden movement, but quickly gained their composure. "I can deal with myself! I don't need help from some... some planet one fourth the size of me!" They seemed pretty insistent on dealing with this themself, although Pluto couldn't help but feel offended by their statement.

"Wh- Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm incapable of helping you! Just...please, just let me help!" Pluto wasn't going to give up so easily.

"I don't WANT your help!" The planet yelled. Pluto was afraid that their screaming would attract someone, or something unwanted.

Charon butted in. "Uhm, guys? I think I hear something..." Pluto turned to look behind himself, only to be met with nothing except asteroids.

"Charon, I think you're just on edge-" "HI PLUTO!!" Makemake suddenly emerged from the asteroids, making Pluto jump a bit.

"And...other planet? Pluto, who is this?" Makemake looked at the exoplanet, quite intrigued by the way they looked. They were much smaller than most rocky planets, so he was wondering if they might be a dwarf planet they had discovered.

The green planet glanced away nervously. "Oh, we don't really know... How about you tell us instead, hm?" Pluto replied to Makemake, looking at the exoplanet in patience. They looked back at Pluto.

"Uhm... my name is... Azren. I'm not from here." Azren only hoped that they would believe them, as a random exoplanet stumbling into their solar system was quite unlikely.

Makemake looked at them in awe. An exoplanet? In their solar system? It was like a dream come true, and he smiled brightly. "Wow, I've never met an exoplanet before! Did any of your, uh... fellow planet comrades come with you?" Makemake awaited for an answer impatiently. He was excited to have new information about terrestrials beyond here, though Azren couldn't really give him any useful information.

"I don't...think so? I mean, I crashed into a bunch of asteroids, so I don't really remember anything. Sorry..." Azren looked away. They were never really that social, so they tried their best to provide any answers that were good enough.

"Hmm..." Makemake slowly moved closer to Azren, inspecting them. Azren made eye contact with him, but they immediately broke it afterwards. They weren't a big fan of eye contact, it made them uncomfortable.

"I see... Well, you can stay with us for now! I mean, until you regain your memory. I'd love to hear all your stories!" He backed away from Azren, a large grin plastered on his face. New friends were always a good thing, and this was just the opportunity!

Azren was a bit hesitant at first. They had just met these people, why would they trust them all of a sudden? I mean, they were in a completely new place and environment with no clue how to leave or where they even were or how they got there... so they supposed they could trust them for now.

"I... Okay. I'll stay."

Makemake yippeed in joy. "You're gonna love it here! The kuiper belt is the best place in the solar system, at least in my opinion. So many mysteries waiting to be discovered... like you!" He couldn't stop smiling, unlike Pluto who seemed a bit on edge about the whole thing.

"Makemake, be careful... they're an exoplanet, we don't know where they've been!" Pluto whispered to Makemake.

"I don't think they know where they've been either, they said they didn't remember anything!" Makemake whispered back, a bit offended. They couldn't have ill intentions, right?

Pluto cleared his throat. "Okay, well if you're gonna stay here, you're gonna have to meet everyone else too. How about we go and introduce you to our other friends, yeah?" Pluto gave a soft smile at Azren, making them relax a bit more.

Azren wasn't a big fan of meeting new people, since they always got nervous. They had to make a perfect first impression every least that's what they thought. The pressure to fit into social norms was a bit much, but they supposed that they could deal with it for a bit.

"...Sure, why not?" Azren shot back the same soft smile at Pluto.

Makemake squealed cheerfully. "Okay, perfect! Let's not waste any time now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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