Chapter 4 - Silk and Lace

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The morning sun bathes London in a golden glow as Lady Lockhart and Adela step out onto the bustling streets, their destination the Worthingtons' infamous dress shop. Adela's heart quickens with anticipation, eager for hours of gossip and indulgence in the company of her best friend, Camila.

The interior of the dress shop is a symphony of elegance, with shimmering fabrics and exquisite gowns adorning every corner. Lady Lockhart wastes no time in engaging in animated conversation with Camila's mother, Madame Worthington, as they peruse the latest designs for the upcoming private parties, costume ball, and the big ball at Almack's, which was the most exclusive ball of the season.

Meanwhile, Adela and Camila steal away to a secluded corner of the shop, their laughter mingling with the rustle of silk and lace. Camila's eyes sparkle with mischief as she leans in close to Adela, her voice low and conspiratorial.

"Adela, I have the most unfortunate news to share with you," Camila whispers, her tone brimming with annoyance.

Adela's curiosity is piqued, her eyes widening with anticipation. "Pray, do tell, Camila. I am all ears."

Camila's smile widens as she leans in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "It seems that Benedict Ackerley has taken a keen interest in my sister, Katherine."

Adela's breath catches in her throat as she processes Camila's words. Benedict Ackerley, the esteemed gentleman whose affections were the subject of much speculation, now setting his sights on Katherine? The revelation sends shockwaves through Adela's mind, leaving her reeling with disbelief.

"Surely you jest, Camila. Benedict has long been regarded as a most eligible suitor, but he repulses Katherine." Adela murmurs, her brow furrowed in consternation.

Camila nods solemnly, her expression mirroring Adela's concern. "I assure you, I speak naught but the truth. Benedict's attentions towards Katherine have not gone unnoticed by me. I encountered him yesterday whilst Mama and I were at the park. Every suggestion I made, he insisted on including Katherine in the arrangement."

"I know how much you fancy Benedict, so I am deeply sorry to hear that, Camila," Adela says, placing her hand over Camila's.

"It is of no consequence. There are a few more gentlemen who have piqued my interest," Camila retorts, arching her eyebrows, prompting a chuckle from Adela. "But let us divert our attention from me for the moment. Pray, what creature do you intend to portray at the masquerade?"

"I had contemplated appearing as a white sheep. Rumor has it that Jasper plans to attend as a wolf, so I thought it rather fitting," Adela responds.

"Wait just a moment. There is much concealed in your words. What secrets are you withholding?" Camila queries, her brow furrowing in puzzlement.

"Well..." Adela begins, casting a cautious glance around to ensure the mothers are still preoccupied. "Following your rather dramatic ankle incident, I found myself in Jasper's company... alone."

Camila gasps dramatically, her excitement palpable. "What occurred!?"

"He expressed his interest in me by reading a poem that had me feeling things I have never felt before," Adela says in a hushed tone.

"WHAT?!" Camila exclaims, immediately realizing her volume and muffling her mouth with her hands.

Before Adela can voice her excitement, their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of a familiar figure. Lady Lockhart, her measurements taken and her gown selected, joins them with a satisfied smile, her eyes alight with anticipation.

Adela exchanges a knowing glance with Camila before turning to her mother with a warm smile. "Yes, Mama. I am quite ready," she replies. As they make their way out of the dress shop, Adela's thoughts drift back to the shocking revelation she had just received. Benedict's sudden interest in Katherine was a development she had not anticipated.

As Adela and Lady Lockhart step out of the dress shop, their arms laden they find themselves unexpectedly face to face with Jasper and his mother, Lady Creed, who happen to be passing by.

"Lady Creed, what a delightful surprise!" Lady Lockhart exclaims, her voice filled with genuine warmth as she exchanges pleasantries with her acquaintance.

"Indeed, it is a pleasure to see you again, Lady Lockhart," Lady Creed replies, returning the smile. "Adela it is so lovely to see you again. You have grown to be such a beautiful woman."

Adela offers a polite curtsey, her cheeks heating as she meets Jasper's gaze. "Thank you Lady Creed."

Jasper, standing a few steps behind his mother, inclines his head in a respectful nod. "Lady Lockhart, Miss Lockhart," he greets them with a charming smile, his eyes lingering on Adela's face for a moment longer than necessary.

From the inside of Worthington's dress shop, Camila still sits where she and Adela were. She glances when she hears Jasper's muffled voice causing her to stand immediately and rush to the window. She hides behind a rack of dresses to make her spying less obvious.

Back outside, Lady Lockhart, ever the gracious hostess, extends an invitation to the Creeds. "Lady Creed, Jasper, a thought crosses my mind. I would be delighted to host a private dinner at the Lockhart Estate tonight. It would be a pleasure to have you join us as our honored guests."

Lady Creed's eyes light up with delight at the prospect of a social gathering. "We would be delighted to accept your gracious invitation, Lady Lockhart. It will be a wonderful opportunity for us to catch up and celebrate our return to London."

Jasper, unable to resist the opportunity to spend more time in Adela's company, adds his enthusiastic agreement. "Yes, indeed. Thank you for extending the invitation, Lady Lockhart. We look forward to it."

As the conversation draws to a close, Lady Lockhart and Lady Creed exchange pleasantries once more before bidding each other farewell. Adela and Jasper share a brief but meaningful glance, their unspoken connection tinged with a subtle undercurrent of romantic tension that goes unnoticed by the others.

As they part ways, Adela can't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the prospect of seeing Jasper again at the Lockhart Estate, their shared moment serving as a tantalizing hint of what may yet come to pass between them.

Camila observes the exchange of pleasantries between the Creeds and the Worthingtons as they part ways, still concealed behind the dresses. 

"Camila," her mother calls out, standing behind her with a puzzled expression. Camila yelps in surprise, catching her mother's attention. "My dear, what in heaven's name are you doing?" her mother inquires. 

"Oh, I'm merely examining the fabric of this dress, not particularly fond of the color," Camila explains.

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