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My exams have started and it was the chemistry exam today, I wasn't feeling alright from Sunday morning and therefore shivering in the exam hall, attempted 3 one markers wrong and totally silly mistakes, expecting a 9 cgpa at any cost.

I hope you guys understand that I won't be actually able to update as for now, but as soon as my exams get over after the 19th I will but the updates will be scheduled then, I have my competitive exams too.

Might as well go on a hiatus for an year because I'm in a full mood for a drop year.

Would come back after getting into a college my readers could flex their author studies in.

Anyone else who had their exam today?

All the best to everyone guys, give your best, you've always did it, you're going to do it this time also.

Know your God.
Give affirmations.

Stay hydrated,
take care.

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