The end?

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"But I'm not sorry about this, i need you alive. Signing off."

"Because we're about to evac, right?" Dj asks. "Like evacuate? Like, leave the area of imminent danger and go to a safe place like normal people?... Right?"

The evac ship

"What we got, Jax? Anything?" Jonas asks.

"Yeah. Here's where we saw Morris tag the shark." Webs answers, pointing to her screen. "But here is where it's going."

"Sanya Bay. What's there?" Wolf asks.

"Oh, nothing." DJ says. "It only has some of the most densely populated beaches in the world."

"Any luck with the authorities?" Wolf asks Jonas.

"No. 'Prehistoric shark' sound like a damn prank call." He answers frustrated. And hands suyin the radio.

"We can't rely on them for anything." Shark says.

"How long until the shark gets to those people?" Diane asked.

Jonas asks and jax answers 20 minutes.

"Can we get there first?" Wolf asks.

"Doubtful." Suyin answers.

"Yeah, we're gonna have to." Mac says.

"Getting there first won't mean anything if we don't have a plan." Webs say from her seat with princess on wolf's lap.

"I have a plan." Jonas says and lead wolf all toward the screen with a map.

"Here's where we do it. Right here in the shallows.
Use the gliders and go after it" He says looking at everyone.

"Okay, so, how are we gonna get it here when there's a beach full of people to eat right here?" Shark asks.

"You ask it out for dinner." Suyin says, holding her phone up showing a whale song recording.

They all go to prepare the beacon and the gliders.

"So, how you wanna do this?" Wolf ask Jonas as he does some adjustments on the glider.

"Is that you asking my opinion?" He asks, smiling smugly at suyin.

"No. I was just being polite before telling you what we're actually doing, so you feel better about yourself." Wolf tease him.

"Appreciate that." He say as webs shouts for them to come get ready, since the glider is prepared. Jonas walks over.

"Ready to go." Webs says from as Jonas reaches..
Jonas takes a step to get into the glider but hesitate.

"Jonas?" Mac asks confused.

Jonas steps back, looking down at the glider. Then he turns to his friend beside him, Mac raises an eyebrow at him.

He then turns to look at suyin. He gathers all of his confidence and walks toward her in a determined stride.

"Suyin." He says and she turn around to his voice. He's walking toward her only a few more steps between her, she move toward him in confusion.

"Jonas?" She ask, but the moment he's in front of her he grabs her face and draws you to him, capturing your lips with his.

Earning a surprised gasp from her, but she immediately move her lips against his.

Her hands instinctively go to his chest fisting his wetsuit, drawing impossibly closer. He moves his hands from her face, he embraces her and lifts her a little, not breaking the kiss.

"ABOUT DAMN TIME!" Mac exclaims and everyone cheers around them.

They break apart, staring into each others eyes. Suyin smile brightly at him and he instantly relaxes. He slowly sets her down.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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