26 - September 10

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"Oh, my blue baby, look at her, guys!" Dana was the first to hug me as I entered the Slytherin common room on Saturday night. It's my birthday, and it's been a perfect day. I spent it with Draco and Danaseeing as most people were busy, but now everyone is here, ready to party at the famous Slytherin parties I have weirdly never been to.

"I like how you call me blue baby because of my house." She smirks, kissing my cheek before staring at my short blue dress. Sometimes, you just gotta embrace your own house.

"Because you look fucking sexy in that dress, mama." I smile, seeing people working on getting drunk in every corner of the room. It's a weird feeling, being invited to this stuff. Even weirder that they are having it for my birthday.

"Taytay!" A tipsy Mattheo walks over before pulling me into a warm hug. Lord, it has been a long since he held me in his arms, yet it doesn't feel weird or bring back memories. It feels natural.

"Happy birthday, gorgeous." I smile, noticing the strong scent of tequila from his drink, and I giggle, noticing he is probably more affected by the alcohol than I thought.

"Thank you, Matty. Have you seen-"

"Me?" My cousin chuckles, showing up behind me with two drinks.

"You!" I smile as he hands me the drink, not knowing what's in the cup.

"Thank you, kind sir," he smiles before looking around the room.

"I haven't seen Theo tonight. Do you know anything?" I quickly shake my hand, knowing Theo hasn't responded to my texts for the last few hours. At first, I thought it was about him getting ready or his phone was dead, but now the worry is growing inside me. "

Eh? Who cares. It's not like we are here for him anyway. We are here for Tay." Mattheo says, taking another sip of his drink and I smile faintly. Dana smiles too, but I know that smile. She isn't sure about this situation, which says a lot because Dana is Theo's best friend.

"Well, tell him to find me if you see him." I grab my girlfriend's hand before leading her towards the dance floor, trying to enjoy the fun, not thinking about my insecurities in a room filled with people who strongly hate me.

"He will show up, dont worry. He would never miss your birthday party." I smile, taking a sip of the drink realising I must look like a child having a drink for the first time because of how strong it is.

"What in this?" Dana shrugs, laughing at me.

"Not sure; Draco said he was getting something good for you." I look around the room at people having fun before I gaze at Adrian. He is sitting on the couch with girls around him, but his eyes are on me. A proud smirk fits his lips and a knot grows in my gut, thinking about his texts to summer. I shouldn't worry, I should trust Theo but I can't help but feel insecure knowing Adrian could do something terrible. I stare down at the drink, then at Dana, before chunking the drink into one sip.


It's been over two hours, and I still haven't seen Theo enter the common room, nor has he answered any of my texts or calls. My body feels weird like I can't feel my organs, and I feel heavier than normal. I dont get drunk often, but I realise I have gotten drunker than expected and I have to find water to be able to see straight.

"No, where are you going?" Dana grabs my hand, staring at me with worried eyes as I begin leaving the dance floor. She is scared that Theo's not being here is ruining my night. Even if I am worried, I still have had a great night, and thanks to Dana and my friends, I have forgotten about Theo for a little bit.

"I have to find some water; I will be back." She sucks in her lips, hesitating for a second before nodding, letting me off. I try getting through the crowd of people dancing, and I know for sure that I will stink of alcohol after this, seeing the amount of liquid people spill over me. I grab the water bottle before filling my cup, sighing deeply as the sudden lack of energy hits me. This is the consequence of being introverted; your social battery is constantly low, and no matter how much fun you have, it will stay low.

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