The Big Boss is taken!

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As the lift went directly to Moksh's office, Pratiksha didn't need to worry about running into any of the staff in Khuranas. As soon as she stepped out of the lift, she saw Moksh's huge office; Pratiksha was relieved.

The office was styled very differently to the Spanish-palace-look they had at home. Moksh's office was minimalist with angular metal furnishing; this showed his efficient, concise and dignified approach to work, making those that entered the room to subconsciously feel a sense of respect.

At present, the man behind the office table was focused on signing the documents before him. The mole on his right earlobe made him appear reliable yet seductive; so they say, 'men are the most attractive when they are serious'. Pratiksha stood in the distance in a daze...until Moksh lifted his head and noticed her standing there...

"Go take a seat on the sofa for a bit,"

Moksh said gently as he instructed Kunal, "Go prepare some English black tea and pastries. Also, grab a blanket on the way."

"Yes, president."

Pratiksha watched as Moksh quickly signed all the documents and walked to sit beside her, "Why didn't you bring Sudiksha up?"

"She said she didn't want to be a lightbulb."

Kunal entered the office with the pastries and handed a blanket to Moksh. Moksh immediately covered Pratiksha's legs with the blanket, "The air conditioner is a bit strong."

Pratiksha smiled before reaching out her hands to nudge Moksh, "Go do your work, don't disturb me from enjoying the beautiful scenery."

"Beautiful scenery?"

"The sight of you working..."

Moksh had no choice but to stand up and return to his table to continue working. Meanwhile, Pratiksha resisted her tiredness for a while before leaning against the sofa and falling asleep.

Moksh got up to reposition her body horizontally on the sofa, placing a pillow under her head and covering her with a blanket. She actually wanted to keep him company even though she was so tired from work...

People went in and out of Moksh's office. Not only Kunal, but also his secretary and a few company higher-ups. Every person that entered, would have a different expression as they walked out.

As they entered, they were calm. But upon exiting, they were so surprised their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

The Big Boss is taken!

Who was the beautiful woman in the Big Boss' office?

There's actually a person that is bold enough to fall asleep in the boss' office!

The way that Big Boss looks at that beauty is gentle like water!

My God! This is big news!

However, after leaving the office, as they weren't allowed to gossip, each person felt like they were going to explode. How amazing would this woman have to be to get the Big Boss' affection? Could she be a current famous superstar?

Pratiksha was resting peacefully; she slept well. She had no idea, she had already put Khuranas into a frenzy.


Moksh finally finished his work and carried Pratiksha in his arms out of the building into his Rolls Royce. Because of the noise outside, Pratiksha finally awoke. She opened her eyes and gazed at Moksh gently, "You've finished work?"

"What would you like to eat?" Moksh started the engine as he gently asked her.

"You decide," Pratiksha tilted her head and wrapped her arm around Moksh's right arm as she continued to nap.

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