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Closing the door to the wardrobe, I looked around the room what was soon to be occupied by my first child, a smile gracing my face as my hand rubbed my stomach gently.

It's kinda crazy what can happen in just under a year.

If you would have told me that within the space of nine months I'd have fallen for someone, had all this drama come along, find out that I'm pregnant and end up engaged I would have probably laughed in your face, but that's my reality.

Granted, it isn't the best situation in the world, how it all happened. Things could have been done differently on both mine and Randy's end, but it's where we're at now matters, right now I'm happy, content even.

I have a wonderful fiancé and a baby on the way, we recently moved into our new home - after Randy deemed it fit that the paint smell was no longer around, protective Randy is protective after all.

Unfortunately the Raw after Wrestlemania Randy was injured, separating his shoulder during his match with Batista.

A knock at the door the next day came at around eleven at night, finding Randy in a sling and an unimpressed and sleep deprived John Cena standing on the doorstep.

They..I mean, John had drove for over a day to get Randy back home because he wouldn't stay in Los Angeles for his surgery and just wanted to be back home as soon as possible.

As usual, difficult Randy is difficult and just had to get his own way.

Of course, since John was kind enough to drive Randy all the way here, we let him rest up before he headed back onto the road and thanked him for getting Randy home safely, even if his shoulder was somewhat messed up.

The surgery was scheduled for the end of the week, meaning that Randy would be out of action for a couple of months.

On the bright side, at least he's got more time to spend with the baby when it arrives.

Speaking about the baby, my bump is huge. I'm less than a month away from being full term, I'm just ready to have this baby.

It just feels like yesterday I was finding out I was pregnant, with Trish and Victoria in the hotel room watching me as I panicked and literally plotted out all these situations of what would happen when I told Randy.

From there it didn't really get any simpler, having to deal with my parents not approving and finding out the whole thing with Randy, Christian always stirring the pot even more. But finally we fount our way back to one another, and I couldn't be happier.

Taking one last look around the room what was soon to be occupied by our first child, I turned the light off and shut the door behind me before carefully heading down the stairs. Looking over to the lounge I noticed Randy eyeing me carefully. "You don't have to keep watching my every move, y'know.", I shot him a smirk.

"Someone has to.", Randy shot back, his smirk matching my own.

Rolling my eyes I walked - well, waddled over to the kitchen. Opening the cupboard I reached for a mug only to have Randy reach for it from behind, placing it on the counter.

"I was nearly there.."

"Yeah, you would have gave it three attempts before going..", Randy cleared his throat. "Randy? Randy?! Can you come and get this for me please?", he joked, trying his best to mimic my voice.

"You know you're talking to the woman who'll have to give birth to your child out, if I were you I'd be alittle bit nicer.", I pouted looking up at him.

"Me? Nice? I'm always nice when it comes to you.", he mumbled, leaning down.

There it was again.

I had felt this for the third time today, but I've just been passing them off as Braxton Hicks contractions, however these have been feeling stronger.

Noticing the slight pained expression, Randy straightened up, "Everything alright?", he asked frowning.

With the pain passing, I slowly nodded my head looking up at him with a small smile. "Yeah, everything's fine."



I felt a flush of water run down my leg - heh, lucky me for wearing a dress on all days, right? - my eyes widening in panic.

"Randy don't panic but.."

"My hardwood flooring!"

"Randal! I'm here going into labour and you're here worrying about your flooring and not me?!", I shouted, breathing in and out as steadily as I could.

"Right, of course.", he nodded. "So, hospital?"

"Well unless you want me to ruin your beloved hardwood flooring even more by giving birth-"

"I'll get the bag!", he took off running upstairs.

Despite feeling uncomfortable, I let out a small laugh. Placing my hand on my stomach I looked down, a small smile gracing my face.

I guess baby Orton wanted an early arrival.



GUYS ITS FINALLY OVER (for this chapter of their lives of course, huehuehue) AND IM SO SAD.

I just wanna say a huge thank you to all of you who have followed this story for the past two(?) years. From the people who followed this from the very beginning, in the middle or just happen to stumble across this story randomly the other day, thank you for your support.

The constant support has made this story into what it is, even when it hasn't been updated in weeks you guys would come back and just show so much interest.

It's been a bumpy ride throughout this whole story and I'm glad you all enjoyed it as much as me.

So with that, its a farewell from Randy and Melody..until some time in the next week or two when the sequel starts.

[insert Seth Rollins cackle here]

Any predictions for their future selves seven years down the line?

For the final time in this story, thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed the journey.

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Where stories live. Discover now