Chapter 6: Parallel puzzles

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The evening sun cast a warm glow over Ji Sun's family dinner, painting the room in hues of gold and amber. Around the table sat Ji Sun's father, the gracious host, and his guests, the young boys.

"Thank you for joining us, gentlemen. It's a pleasure to have you here," Ji Sun's father greeted warmly, his eyes flickering with curiosity.

Scoups, the charismatic agency manager, offered a polite nod in return. "Thank you for inviting us, Mr. Lee. Your hospitality is truly appreciated," he replied graciously, his behavior shaped by years of being polite and professional.

As the conversation unfolded, Ji Sun's father's inquiries turned to their collaboration. "I heard that these boys are talented. I'm so glad to meet you all! So, Mr. Seung-cheol, are you planning to do an interview or some other project with these boys? I would like to see something like that. Our viewers would be so happy to see such talented boys," he said, gesturing towards the group gathered around the table.

"We haven't discussed any specific plans yet, but they've been extremely valuable to our agency," Scoups explained, nodding in agreement with Seungkwan.

Ji Sun's father then turned his attention to Jeonghan, intrigued by his talents. "I've heard that you are a freelance writer and an amazing artist, Mr. Jeonghan. How about we set up an interview with you? I'd love to learn more about your work," he suggested, his eyes alight with genuine interest.

Jeonghan's smile widened at the unexpected opportunity. "That would be fantastic, sir. Thank you for considering me," he replied graciously, his enthusiasm palpable.

As the conversation flowed, Ji Sun's father's gaze shifted to his daughter, a glimmer of parental pride shining in his eyes. "And how is my daughter, Mr. Seung-cheol? Thank you for giving her this opportunity to work with you. She's always been dedicated to her studies," he remarked, his voice tinged with affection.

Scoups returned the sentiment with a warm smile. "Ji Sun is a smart girl, Mr. Lee. She brings new ideas to our team, and we're lucky to have her," he replied, his tone sincere and heartfelt.

But amidst the warmth and camaraderie, a sudden stillness fell over the room. Ji Sun's father, in the midst of raising his glass for a toast, froze in place. Everyone's expression clouded with confusion.

"Father, are you alright?" Ji Sun's concern cut through the silence, her voice tinged with worry.

Scoups, ever observant, directed their attention to Ji Sun's pendant, its ethereal glow casting an otherworldly hue across the room. "Look at your pendant, Ji Sun," he urged softly, his eyes reflecting the shimmering light.

The kitchen was engulfed in a radiant brilliance as the pendant's light intensified, leaving everyone blinded by its luminance. "Guys, close your eyes, it's too shiny," Jeonghan urged, his voice cutting through the brightness. They did as he said, shielding their eyes from the overwhelming glare. After what felt like an eternity, the light gradually dimmed, allowing them to cautiously open their eyes.

To their surprise, they found themselves back in their familiar practice room at HYBE Entertainment. "What happened? Did we come back?" Jun's voice echoed the confusion that permeated the room. Surveying their surroundings, they realized the pendant had transported them. "I think the pendant brought us here again," Hoshi remarked, his tone a mixture of awe and disbelief.

Their moment of reflection was interrupted by the sudden opening of the door, accompanied by a resounding thud. As their manager entered, Seventeen's collective shock intensified as they saw the young boys who trailed behind him. "It's us, no way!" DK's surprised outburst captured the shock spreading across the room. But the serious looks on the doppelgangers' faces suggested a troubling truth.

"Can't they see us?" Hoshi's query revealed their growing apprehension. Ji Sun confirmed their suspicion with a somber nod. "I think no," Ji Sun said in a suspicious tone while looking at Hoshi. "They are our replacements. They are the ones from the parallel world, now living our lives," Scoups explained, his voice laden with resignation. Vernon's widened eyes mirrored the shock ripping through the room. "Whoa, they look exactly like us," he exclaimed, his disbelief palpable. Seungkwan wasted no time in responding with a sharp reply. "Yes, dummy, they are from a parallel world!" He said while giving a side eye towards Vernon.

Seventeen and Ji Sun observed the unfolding scene, their manager directed the young boys to sit. They all sat on the floor and paid their attention towards their manager. "Look, how can you all forget all your choreographies, songs, and even your personal information? This is a huge problem. We just released the new album last month, but you don't know the choreography?" Their manager said while looking at the young boys.

"How many times do we have to tell you that we are not your Seventeen? And we don't know what is going on," Seung-cheol asserted, his voice tinged with exasperation.

"Do you guys even know how much hate we got after yesterday's stage in Music Bank? Some of your vocals were good, but some were terrible. Take it seriously or else we will have to go on a hiatus," their manager warned, his tone laced with frustration. The young boys exchanged glances fraught with uncertainty.

Meanwhile, Seventeen watched helplessly as their counterparts grappled with the harsh reality of their situation. "We have to do something!" Hoshi's urgency was palpable, his eyes pleading with Scoups for guidance. "Look what's happening, our idol life is almost over. How can they practice all choreographies and songs in such a short time? Our CARATS must be very disappointed in us," Seungkwan's regret was evident as he lamented the impending demise of their idol life. Scoups, burdened by the weight of their predicament, sighed heavily, his mind racing for a solution.

After their manager's departure, the young boys remained seated, their expressions testament to their overwhelming despair. "I don't know what is happening, I will go from here, I can't stay," Kwon Soon-young's resolve resonated through the room. Lee Chan's perspiration mirrored the intensity of their situation. "This place is like hell. They are asking us to practice every day without even caring if we are alright," he lamented, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

"No, no, are they trying to run away?" Joshua asked Jeonghan, who was next to him with widened eyes. "They are all lost; we have to settle down everything as soon as possible and return to our original places," Scoups said while looking at his fellow members.

Amidst their tumultuous discussion, Mingyu's observation drew their attention back to the pendant, which was on Ji Sun's wrist. Its radiant glow signaling their imminent departure. "Guys, the pendant is shining again," he exclaimed, his voice tinged with urgency. Ji Sun apologetically confirmed their suspicion, prompting Wonwoo to acknowledge their impending return. "I think it's time to go back, isn't it?" he remarked, while adjusting his glasses with a sense of resignation.

As the brilliant light enveloped them once more, they were transported back to the familiar surroundings of the dining table. After returning to their positions around the dining table, Ji Sun's father resumed his actions as if no interruption had occurred. He lifted his wine glass, completing the motion he had paused earlier, and exclaimed, "cheers!" Seventeen and Ji Sun followed suit as if nothing had happened. They raised their glasses with trembling hands to join Ji Sun's father in the toast.

BEYOND THE SHIMMERING PENDANT ( PART 1) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora