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Kashvi entered in kitchen and rummaged through the shelves, her stomach growling in protest. She sighed, realizing there wasn't much to work with.

Just then, the door creaked open, someone stepped into the room. It was Atharva, his tousled hair and tired eyes betraying the late hour.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Kashvi turned, a sheepish smile on her lips. "I'm on a mission to find something edible. I'm starving."
"You sit i will make something to eat Atharva said folding his sleeves
Kashvi chukled and said "Aap banyenge , ap kabhi kitchen m aaye v ho".

(You will cook have you ever emtered in the kitchen )

"If you're challenging me, I'll let you know, prepare for your defeat. Cooking was my hobby, and I know how to make everything"...Atharva said with confidence in his eyes, And began preparing to cook.

'Yahi to main chahati hu atharva ki tum zindagi m hmesha jeeto kyuki tum bhool gye ki tum kon ho '
(This is what I want, Atharva, for you to win in life because you've forgotten who you are.)Kashvi spoke to herself in her mind.

"Okay, challenge accepted," Kashvi said knowingly.
"Alright. And if I win, what will I get?" Atharva asked excitedly.
"Well, so much confidence in yourself, not bad," Kashvi replied with a smirk.
"Yes, it's my hobby, and I trust myself, so I'll definitely win. And you haven't mentioned what reward you'll give me for winning while cooking," Atharva asked while preparing food.

"Isme reward ki kya baat hai khana khilana apne aap mai punyaka kaam hota hai Aur aap khana bna do mai bartan
dho dungi baat brabar .

(There's no need for a reward in this. Cooking is its own reward. And you cook, I'll do the dishes. It's a fair deal.
Atharva chuckled, And said " not a bad idea and seeing him smile for the first time,In that moment, Kashvi felt a flutter in her chest, a sensation she couldn't quite explain. It was as if time had slowed down, the world around them fading into the background as she focused solely on Atharva.

As he busied himself with cooking, Kashvi couldn't tear her gaze away from him.
Suddenly, the pressure cooker whistled, diverting Kashvi's attention from Atharva. After cooking, they both sat at the dining table, and Atharva started the meal.

"So ,How was the food?" Atharva asked

"Yummmmy it was the best of the world! I didn't know you could cook so well. You should have been a chef," Kashvi said with admiration.

Atharva thanked Kashvi and, after dinner, headed towards his room.


Kashvi was looking at the moon from her room's balcony, reminiscing about the events of the day. She felt happy that she had taken a small step forward today. Suddenly, she heard the sound of glass breaking. She hurried to Atharva's room and found that he had smashed a vase, its pieces scattered on the floor.
What happened?" Kashvi asked nervously.

"They took away my sleeping pills," Atharva replied angrily.

"So, Kashvi asked, "
"aren't you supposed to be a psychiatrist? Don't you know that those who can't sleep take them?"Atharva shouted in anger,you know what, Just leave! Did I ask for your help that you came here?" Atharva shouted angrily.

Kashvi quickly returned to her room.

Author"s p.o.v

"He's such a strange person, sometimes so gentle and kind, and other times burning like fire. Just a moment ago, he was speaking so lovingly," Kashvi muttered to herself.

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