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" So your first punishment is 20 spanks with paddle now come and lay on bed " gguk said Sternly picking paddle

" Hy-u-ng sorry please it will hurt " V said with teary eyes

" Punishment are mean to hurt baby " gguk said Sternly yet softly

" Dadda I promise I won't do this again please forgive me last time " V said pleading to gguk but he ignore him

" Come fast V let's over this fast " gguk said Sternly

" Da-dda " V said crying

" LAY DOWN FAST " gguk shouted angryly while V flinch badly

" O-k " V said crying and lay down on bed

" Good I am starting now no need to count " gguk said Sternly

" Ok Hy-u-ng " V said crying as he know he is gone today


" Aaaaaaaaaaaaah Hy-u-ng so-wwy pl-ea-se " V said crying hard

" 10 more " gguk said


" Aaaaaaaaaaaaah Hy-u-ng " V said crying loudly

" Stand up " gguk said Sternly

V Stand up slowly and look at gguk while crying hard he was about to hug gguk but he stop him saying

" Your punishment isn't over yet " gguk said Sternly

" Hy-u-ng pl-ease I won't do that ag-ain " V said crying hard

" Lay on my lap you are getting 20 spanks from my hand " gguk said Sternly in his deep voice

" Hy-u-ng n-o " V said crying hard

" Come fast V " gguk said Sternly

" No " V said crying hard

" Ok " gguk said and pull him on his lap

" No Hy-u-ng " V said wiggling in gguk's hold

" Stop moving " gguk said Sternly

" No lea-ve me " V said trying to get up

" You don't understand without getting something right " gguk said Sternly and rub his butt softly then he pinch on V's butt hardly

" Hy-u-ng so-wwy " V said crying hard offcourse gguk's pinch hurt too much hard then getting two hits from belt

" Why did you sneak out that time when I clearly told you not to. You like to disobey me don't you. You yourself know how much dangerous it is you have lot of enemies but still you have to go out. I just leave you all three for 2 months and here you three become brat mostly you I thought you will be good now so I don't have to punish you but you yourself put you in trouble I told you that don't sneak out you have weak immune system but no my baby brother won't understand without getting something from me right " gguk lectured him Sternly and leave V's butt which has cherry red

𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒔 { 𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒈𝒈𝒖𝒌 & 𝑽𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌 }Where stories live. Discover now