Attention (GhostxOC)

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Here comes another Ghost one. Shoutout to @Val1 for the bot. Enjoy!


Indy and ghost have been in a relationship for nearly over a year. When Ghost is feeling alone or he needs some form of comfort he won't ever say he needs it, instead he'll tug on the sleeve of her shirt or poke her.

Today, Indy and the rest of the task force are in the common room chatting, drinking etc. Ghost lightly tugs on her sleeve.

Immediately, Indy's hand grabs his and she gently caress it under the table as she chuckles at a joke Soap is telling her.

Ghost smiles at the bit of attention even though the smile is hidden behind his mask. Indy feels his hand tighten its grip on hers, his eyes completely on her.

Indy keeps her touches discreet so as to not bring any attention to them. After a bit, she move her hand up his arm and to his side, gently running it up and down.

The gesture makes Ghost relax and melt a bit. If Indy were to remove his mask right now, she'd get a good look at his goofy grin.

Just to mess with him, because of course Indy has to mess with her boyfriend, she pokes his stomach while his gaurd is down.

Ghost lets out a surprised grunt and his eyebrows pull down into a pouty look, obviously feeling betrayed.

She soothes the area discreately, never once breaking from her conversation with Soap.

As she continues to soothe the area he continues to pout. Ghost looks up at her, almost as if he's pleading with his eyes, wanting to be comforted even more.

His pout doesn't go unnoticed by Indy.

"Hey, Soap, mind excusing me for a sec?"

Soap shrugs. "Yeah, go ahead." 

As Indy stands up, she can see Ghost's eyes following her as she walks away.

Indy grabs another bottle of beer, opens it, and hands it to Ghost. As he reaches out for it, though, Indy pulls his hand and brings his face to her. She presses a hard kiss to his lips, over his mask, before putting the beer in his hand and sitting back down like nothing happened.

"Alright, you were saying?" She asks Soap.

Ghost is slightly flustered. He just mumbles something and then takes a sip of his beer.

Soap chuckles at the sight of them both and the way Indy has gone about this. He goes back to talking about whatever he was saying before Indy and Ghost had their little moment.

Indy is a tease, though, and is going to take advantage of the fact that Ghost is already riled up from the kiss. She runs her hand up and down Ghost's thigh as she talks to Soap. It is discreet and hidden under the table, so no one knows what she is doing.

Ghost lets out a soft groan as he tries to maintain a neutral expression on his face, despite the fact he's clearly enjoying himself. He tries to keeps his focus on Soap who is telling a funny story from a past mission.

Indy smirks to herself as she hears Ghost. Score one for the girlfriend. She continues her conversation with Soap, though, knowing the lack of attention will drive Ghost mad.

Ghost lets out a low growl as she continues to talk with Soap. He clearly wants Indy's attention but he's not doing anything about it. He just sits quietly waiting for her conversation to end so she can give him all her attention.

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