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The very first thing that Jeyuvah did in the morning of the second day is to open his mental frequency for any message he can get. He was of course fervently hoping to establish telepathic contact with Vesuvu Uhmranus. But their distance from where they come from is too great that without the black hole, it is but futile to attempt to establish telepathic contacts or any means of communications to their planet. Jeyuvah knew, they were marooned in this primitive and so alien blue planet.

He was deep in his reverie on what he must prioritize in their situation, when he detected in his communication frequency the signal from Esthe in the west. He opened up his image reception frequency to see Esthe from her landing ground. Jeyuvah found her subship beneath a huge cascading water fall. Esthe had hidden the spaceship under the waterfall.

"Stay put inside the ship. Do not venture outside as we will first determine if the gases in the atmosphere can sustain our body." Jeyuvah advised her, which she nodded in the affirmative.

"I would like to report that there is a huge wave of radioactive energy coming from the meteor shower raining on the planet. I can see from where I landed the huge destruction taking place. We might as well construct a temporary dome to protect us from the meteor showers." Esthe further reported.

"It is a good suggestion," Jeyuvah agreed. " We will wait for the reports of our companions and see what we can do. We have some tools and equipment here in the main ship that we can use to build such dome."

He just finished talking to Esthe when the voice of Alrah butted in." Lord Jeyuvah, please acknowledge Alrah in your frequency" For which Jeyuvah replied, " You are already acknowledge Lord Alrah. How is your landing point?" He instantly switched open his video frequency. He was glad to see Alrah seated in front of the monitor sipping wine.

" He could see the eyes of Alrah just like him was lit in fire.

"We have landed here in this place where all I can see are stretches of sands. No trace of water and the temperature is very hot." The heat is not a problem for them the Uhmrans. But their homos will have to deal with the heat.

After Alrah, the rest of the crew had reported from their respective landing points. " All is well for the moment" Jeyuvah told himself.

The real problem is that they have lost the black hole and their link to their home planet.

At the onset of the dawn (the blue planet has its day and night defines by the coming and going of a glowing star, which Jeyuvah correctly observed that it's the blue planet that is revolving around it rather than the other way around.)

And Jeyuvah was already up and awake at the break of the dawn and noted it on the ship's logbook as day 2. He took stock of the situation, and checked on the tools and equipment they have stocked the main ship. He was pleased when his eyes saw the shining vehicle that will be his roaming ship to navigate the blue planet. It was on the upper floor of the main ship.

He immediately went up and as he opened its door, he felt static over the thing. It was state of the art. And he was overjoyed that the vehicle was equipped with a homer. This is a signal emitting device that can be detected both by the main ship and the command center at their home planet.

He switched it open. "Now they will know we are alive" He told himself. He does not know that inside the blue planet, the faint signal emitted by the homer cannot penetrate its dense atmosphere.

After a while, the glowing star was up in the horizon at the site Jeyuvah had landed the main ship. He noted that the phenomenon seem to animate the place. The strange creatures roaming around seemed all so alive. He noticed the long necked and huge creatures are nibbling the leaves of the giant trees. Some of the huge winged creatures can be seen flying and filling the horizon.

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