Chapter 1: The Host Club's Blackmail Count Is Up To 2

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You checked your teeth and searched for acne to pick at as you stood in front of your bathroom mirror. This was your first year of high school. And not just any high school-Ouran Academy, a school made up almost entirely of important and wealthy families. A playground for the rich and famous, essentially. This was also your first year in Japan. You were a transfer student, starting on the third or fourth day of school. It was okay, though, because your family didn't plan to stay long.

"Citrus! Mommy says if you don't come downstairs right now, she's going to eat your breakfast!" You heard the voice of your sister, Penelope. This was her first year of middle school, and your whole family was excited for her. Both you and your sister were incredibly intelligent, as well as talented. You were more interested in drawing and painting, whereas her specialties lied in music.

Citrus was a nickname given to you by the age of two, due to your insatiable appetite for citrus fruits, and your often "sour" attitude. You called your sister "Penny," a name you had invented that quickly stuck. You also called her "Penis," but your parents didn't know about that one.

"Okay! I'm coming down!" You quickly ran floss between your teeth, accidentally cut your gums, and ran down, bag in hand. The warm smell of coffee enveloped you as you entered the kitchen. Your mother smiled when she saw you.

"Look at my little boy!" She squealed. She strode to you and pulled you into a hug, your face pressed against her chest. Your mother was a tall woman, with perfect silky brown hair and a smile, big and bright. She was a famous entrepreneur in the makeup, wig, and feminine products industry. She was married to one Thomas Taylor, your lovey-dovey father. She took the name Valentina Taylor-Smith when they married.

"Thank you, Mama. Where's Dad?"

"He's still asleep, I suppose. You'd think being the CEO of Taylor-Smith Electronics would have him out of bed and going, but-" She stopped when the kettle began whistling. "Breakfast is on the table, Sugar! Make sure you have your sister eat, and I'll have Nenzio drive you to school!" Right...your sister. Although your sister was mature for her age, she still exhibited childlike tendencies; she often "played adult." Penny picked at her food with disinterest.

As her older brother and best friend, you knew why she wasn't eating. You also knew not to mention it, but you sat down beside her and smiled.

"I'm gonna eat your food if you don't." No answer.

"Penny," you hummed. "Penny, I'll bring you home a new keychain if you eat," that provoked a glance of interest. Very hesitantly, she chewed her pancakes. You gave her a kiss on her cheek, and smiled, even though your heart had a little twisted-up pinch in it.

There was a brisk honk-honk outside, which you assumed was Nenzio. Nenzio was a long-time friend of your mother and father's. In fact, you were pretty sure they dated at one point. Something happened, Nenzio left, and when he came back, they were miraculously friends again. He later became your family's driver and time manager; a family friend. Mom and Dad won't get into the details-they say it's "grown-up stuff."

He arrived quickly. Penny used this as an excuse to stop eating and ran out to the car. She left her backpack. Letting out a sigh, you placed the pancakes in some Tupperware, grabbed her bag, and rushed out as well. You noticed Mama was gone, probably trying to wake up Dad.

"Hey, Uncle Nenzio," you greeted when getting in.

"Hello, Citrus. First day of high school, huh?" Nenzio was a slow talker, so it surprised you to hear him speaking at a normal pace. You smiled.

"Yeah! I'm pretty excited!"

"And it's Penny's first day of middle school?" It wasn't a question, but he raised his voice as if he wasn't sure. She let out a delighted hum.

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