Chapter 12

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"YOU SHUT UP, IDIOT! AND YES, I'M A PSYCHO, SO WHAT? I'M A MAID, A SLUT, A BITCH, A BURDEN, A PSYCHO! JUST LET ME DIE!" Her final words resonated loudly, and she ceased her struggle, seemingly defeated in my arms.

In that moment, I felt her body give way, and she fell limp in my arms. The haunting words, "I can't breathe," escaped her lips in a hushed tone, and then she succumbed to unconsciousness.



The atmosphere in Y/N's room was tense as the doctor finished tending to her bandaged hands, assuring everyone that it was nothing serious, likely just stress.

The maids had diligently cleaned up the evidence of Y/N's emotional outburst, leaving the room looking relatively normal again.

Namjoon took a seat beside Y/N, his gaze filled with concern as he gently caressed the bandages. The others, gathered around the room, shared a collective worry.

Yoongi couldn't help but voice what everyone was thinking, "What could mom have said to make her this angry?" Jungkook and Jimin expressed their curiosity, nodding in agreement.

Seokjin, adopting a more composed stance, suggested, "Whatever it is, let's not force her to tell us. It's her decision whether she wants to open up or not."

Hoseok supported this notion, adding, "And let's make sure mom and dad remain unaware of what happened."

As they kept a watchful eye on Y/N, Taehyung noticed a subtle movement in her hand. "Hey, she's awake," he announced, prompting a collective sigh of relief from everyone.



I slowly opened my eyes, greeted by the sight of all my brothers gathered around me. Their faces were filled with concern, which only served to annoy me. Glancing down, I noticed my hands were bandaged, prompting an internal chuckle.

Namjoon gently inquired about my well-being, saying , "Are you feeling fine now, Y/N?". I responded with an eye roll, "Clearly, I'm alive and breathing, so I'm fine."

Jungkook, wearing a smirk, said, "You really love to create drama, lil sis. What did mom said that you got this mad?"

Suppressing the urge to kick his balls, I replied with a sarcastic claim, "Oh, you know, mom discovered that I'm a fucking slut and I'm secretly sucking dicks of youngest three Kim brothers."

I then added, "Just leave you all. I'm still alive. Save those sad faces for my funeral."

The atmosphere in the room hung heavy with unspoken concern, but I dismissed it with my biting words.

Taehyung then annoyedly said, "That's not the answer Y/N. And stop saying that slut shit. " Jimin then said, "Yeah it's disgusting when you say 'sucking'. Like come-on we get it."

Hoseok then said, "Anyways , Y/N we won't pressure you. It's your choice whether you want to open up or not." I then said, "Thanks now leave." With that everyone left.

As they left, the weight of my emotions lingered in the room, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that something needed to change.

I then stood up and decided to change my uniform. After changing my uniform, I sighed at the sight of bloodstains on the shirt, realizing I would need to buy a new one.

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