31 | Sleepless Nights

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"When you're weary, feeling small. When tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all. I'm on your side."

~ Simon & Garfunkel, Bridge Over Troubled Water

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There he was, a very irritated Cillian in an empty bath, his leg still wrapped in a cast slung over the edge of the tub.

Sophie made her footsteps loud enough to alert him of her presence, though with his hearing, he probably heard her from down the hall. She approached but kept her distance, unsure if he was restrained in anyway for her protection.

"Stop holding your breath," he mumbled, irritably holding up his hands to reassure her that he was handcuffed. They were different than normal handcuffs, far bigger and bulkier. Must have been another invention of Sully's.

She released a breath she didn't know she was holding, but apparently he did, and shuffled closer to him. He was still in a hospital gown, making her brows furrow. "Do you, umm..." she cleared her throat. "You need help taking that off?"

He gestured to the restraints. "What do you think?"

She gave a curt nod and undid the ties on the back. Thankfully the gown also had ties on the arms so they didn't have to grab a guard to undo the handcuffs.

The gown fell to reveal his bare torso and her heart sunk at his appearance. While the scars that littered all over his body were many, she knew every scar on his body. To see so many she didn't recognize made a lump form in her throat and tears sting the back of her eyes.

She blinked them away and asked, "is it alright if I..." her sentence died off, gesturing to the gown that settled on his lap.

He wanted to make a snarky comment that obviously he wanted her to undress him fully, as no one takes a bath with clothes on. Instead, he refrained and just nodded.

She removed the garment but didn't look, even though it was nothing she hadn't seen before. She wanted to respect his privacy. To distract herself, she turned on the facet, getting the water to the correct temperature before she plugged the drain. The doctor informed Sophie that only a couple inches of water was allowed in the bathtub. The water should only pool to just around his hips, as some of the lacerations on his back were still too open to get overly wet. When it was filled enough to cover his hips, she stopped the water.

"What are you doing?" He grumbled, not happy with the lack of water.

She sighed as she took note of his greasy hair and beat up appearance. "I can't fill it up anymore. You can't get some of your injuries wet. Doctor's orders."

He huffed and growled under his breath, clearly irritated with her.

With her, she had a big plastic cup. She planned to use it to scoop up the water and run it over his body where the water couldn't reach and to avoid anywhere that shouldn't be wet. "Do you care where I start?" She asked.

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