22. I Don't Do Hi's

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After running around the arcade for hours, I had worked up quite the appetite. It seemed like Finn read my mind, because as we walked out, that's exactly what he asked.

"What do you feel like eating?"

I thought about it for a moment. "How about that café we went to last time? They had some pretty good stuff."

We reached there in record time, and I briefly scanned the menu.

"Good afternoon, what can I get you?"

I listed off my order, a burger and some fries, and Finn got about the same. As our server began to walk off, I called out for him.

"Oh, and, one blueberry milkshake please. With two straws."

He jotted it off in his notepad and went about his way. I turned back to Finn, who was staring at me with a fond smile.

"You're so cute, you know that?"

I grabbed the glass of water on our table and took a sip, looking everywhere but at Finn. I certainly did not want him to see the lovestruck expression on my face.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

He chuckled softly, and our conversation flowed smoothly from there. I felt so happy whenever I was with Finn, that I never realised how quickly time passed.

Our food arrived soon after, but before I could take a bite, Anna came up to our table.

"Oh, hey Anna! I forgot you worked here haha."

She smiled. "I saw you and came over to wish you. Happy birthday, Sebastian." She gave a small smile to Finn as well but he just stared at us blankly.

I thanked her and she left to continue her work. I sighed.

"Finn, you could've said a hi."

He grumbled under his breath. "I don't do hi's."

I shook my head fondly. Finn and his usual antics.

"Yeah, I remember quite well the first time I met you, I didn't get a hi either."

He gave me a sheepish look. "Well, now you'll always get a hi from me."

He waved his hand at me. "Hi."

I laughed out loud, he was just so cute. I waved back. "Hi."

I shifted my attention towards the food and began to dig in. Somehow, it tasted even more delicious than the last time. Probably because of how hungry I was.

Finn kept looking to the side, so I followed his line of sight to see Anna.

"Finn, why are you staring at Anna?"

He had a grumpy look on his face. Now that I think of it, he always seemed slightly unhappy whenever Anna and I spoke.

Wait a second...

Was he jealous?

He seemed uninterested when Anna first expressed interest in him...but maybe he changed his mind? He does take time to warm up to people.

Maybe he was mad because she always spoke to me instead of him? I frowned at the thought.

"I'm not staring at her, she's staring at us."

I looked towards her again, and sure enough, she was already looking at us. She turned away the instant our eyes met. Weird.


I signalled for Finn to go on, and an impish smile grew on his face.

"You have to do something I say, right?"

I nodded slowly, my hand sneaking up to my fries and hovering over them protectively. If he was gonna ask for my food, he better think twice.

"Feed me."


I tilted my head slowly, pulling my hand back as my fries were safe.


He wagged his finger in the air. "No questions."

I pointed at his burger. "It's a damn burger, Finny. How do you expect me to feed you a burger?"

His smile fell as he processed my words. He sighed. "You're right."

I instantly felt bad for killing his smile.

"Well, I can feed you your fries instead?"

The smile returned instantly. My heart was screaming in agony at this much cuteness.

And so I fed him his fries in between. He seemed content, and even had a smug look on his face. He held out his burger for me to try, saying "mine just tastes better", even though we got the exact same one.

He wouldn't even let me hold it, he insisted on me taking a bite while HE was holding it.

For such a tall and intimidating guy, he sure did act like a child. I smiled softly at the thought. I was the only one who got to see this side of him, how lucky could I get?

We fought over the blueberry milkshake again.

"Finn." I groaned. "Just drink as much as you want them pass it over."

He shook his head, stubborn.

"It's only right if we both drink it again the same time! That's why there's two straws."

I laughed and did what he said. It wasn't like I had a problem with it, it's just that our faces would be way too close, and I would probably choke on the milkshake.

He looked into my eyes as he licked his lips. Someone kill me now. I couldn't get my eyes to look away. He got his hand up to my lips and my face turned fifth shades of red.

He gently wiped off some of the milkshake that was smeared around my lips.

"There you go."

Like a dummy, I just kept staring at him, and he kept staring back.

"Do you need an extra glass?"

We simultaneously turned to see Anna, holding a glass in her hand.

Before I could open my mouth, Finn had already answered.

"No. Bye bye."

I stifled a laugh, and she looked at me for confirmation. I tilted my head towards Finn and shook my head, telling her to go along with whatever he said. She walked away with a slightly dejected look.

What was she sad about now?

Holdddd on, did she still like Finn and didn't want me so close to him?

I huffed. I wasn't going to do these mental gymnastics anymore. If she liked him and had a problem, she could tell me herself.

We finished off our milkshake, and Finn refused to let me pay.

"It's your birthday. Let me pay."

"Come on Finn, let me at least pay for my half."

"Next time."

I lost, as usual, and he paid the bill. We walked out and I stretched my arms, sighing blissfully.

"What a wonderful day. And I still have more than half of it left." I said, as I twirled around in the parking lot. What? I'm a happy guy, let me be.

"It's almost 3 pm. Let's go home and you can get some rest before your party starts."

I laughed. "I wouldn't call it a party. If I do then it's a pretty lame version of a 'party' for a 17 year old."

He ruffled my hair. "Call it whatever you want. The only thing that matters to me is that you're there."

I smiled to myself, but didn't reply. I didn't need to either.

I hugged him extra tight the whole way home.

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