Chapter 006: Dance of Mira

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Chapter Theme Music: Rimani ~ Mattia Cupelli [Frammenti]

<11/02/149,012 {Avion 147} - 04:00 | Corral Position, Genosis, Altiri Sector Space>
<Karnak to ACS414 Date Equivalent: 11/02/1456>

When we first discovered what other life was out there, everyone was curious, eagerly waiting to know exactly what was on the other side of our world. We wondered what the humans were like compared to ourselves. When news about the heathens in their world reached everyone, The Unity was shaken back to sleep for a long time. Thousands of years passed after our initial discovery before any returned to the desire of their eternal curiosity.

So much has been changing since. Despite the heathens on Earth, aggressor groups from everywhere decided to learn more about the world, using the clairvoyance we've mastered stronger than ever before, our eyes ignoring the ugly, and instead favoring the beauty. For as much evil as there appeared to be within the people of that terrestrial world, the souls of others would sing powerful symphonies of life through their daily words, their thoughts, and their actions.

Humans are split between two genders; male and female. The answers we had not before eventually came to light, that humans reproduce in birth through a strange process they currently refer to as sex. When a man and a woman get together to perform sex between each other, the process of pregnancy in the female is initiated, and the rest carries out much like how we Altiri used to know.

It's a strange concept to us, and even stranger to me, since our last generation never bore any children, myself included. I've had a mother, yet never produced a daughter. Whatever natural function we once had in parthenogenesis was somehow switched off and disabled, a couple thousand years before the exodus. Human lifespans are so much shorter, yet they reproduce to numbers greatly exceeding our own today, spreading around their world, colonizing the land in many places.

Not everybody on Earth concedes to the larger culture around them, and the disconnected colonies provide so many differences and pockets of freedom, meaning anybody may grow up to be of any variety of strengths and faults. This allows for many women to avoid any negative culture or indoctrination to those wanting to power over them, at least sometimes. It is for this reason why, when we look to the Earth now, among the men and women, there exists a few hidden gems, people of interest as I refer to, who grow up highly perceptive, highly sensitive, confident in their individuality, and thereby so different from the others.

Not much has changed with us. One look at a male is all it takes to set any one of us off during our clairvoyant monitoring; I've lost my temper more times than I can count. We don't watch this planet to keep our eyes on the enemy; we instead seek out whatever we are in the mood for. With the millions of different humans, often times will some provide us with a unique or amazing story. Some girls face challenges. Some women try to change for the sake of a heathen they want, or try instead to change that heathen into something they prefer. Some look out to the stars in their sky, wondering what else might be out there for them. Some drown themselves in mystical mindscapes of their imagination, dancing and singing to the music they remember. Some devote themselves to certain roles created for them, and few choose to live alone.

Thousands of years ago, I said some pretty awful things about the human race. I don't love them at whole, nor do I envy their way of life. When I learned what was on Earth, I wished for that world's destruction through proclamation of what was most likely... But now, every time I take another peek on this faraway planet, even though heathen existence reigns supreme, I feel some kind of hope for some of the women there, even when there shouldn't be any, often times when there really isn't anything there.

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