Chapter 13: Reunited At Last

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Time: 02:00 Hours

Location: Near the Omega Spire

The three were walking slowly towards the spire half hugging each other, the only thing they could hear was the cold wind.

T: I am going to tear that company apart! They just left you in there to rot!?!

X: Well yeah...all because I failed a test.

A: I h-have a f-feeling that w-we're just s-s-slaves to them.

T: What matters now is that you're back and with us.

T then once again lightly hugs X who also hugs back.

X: To me it feels like that I died yesterday, yet it's been 20 years...

A: X c-can we s-stop talking about th-the company a-and f-foucus on r-reuniting?

Despite A being shorter than the siblings, she was able to grab both of them before putting her head inbetween their chests. She then put all her weight on them as her legs collapsed and she entered sleep mode.

A: B-Besides...I f-feel...tired...

X: Heh, I guess your 'girlfriend' really hasn't changed, has she?

T: Not by much, no.

A was lifted up by T in a bridal position as he carried her back to the spire. While T stared at A's cute composure, X looked in awe at the Corpse Spire.

X: Wow, so you made that entire thing out of all your victims?

T: Oh uh yeah...18 years can fly by fast when you think about it...oh who am I kidding.

X: So everyone else is at other locations then?

T: Well, yeah except for our boss G. He can get tough sometimes though.

They continued chatting as they made their way to the spire.


Location: Omega Landing Pod

Time: 02:10

Kate: Well that's just complete bullsh*t!

Meanwhile in the pod, Kate and G had sort of started a conversation out of boredom. It wasn't going very well.

G: So then whose fault is it that caused all the humans to die!?!

Kate: I don't know... maybe the humans were stupid enough to let it happen?

G: The humans who invented space travel?

Kate: 'Sigh'... I just hope my sister is okay.

G: You have a sister?

Kate: The one you almost killed. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to get some air.

Kate then left the landing pod, leaving a confused G. He went back trying to contact the company until something came to him. Why did the workers have to die? They have feelings too, and most of them these days weren't around when the planet imploded. That thought stuck with him as he drifted off into the abyss of communication.


Location: Beta Spire

Time: 03:00

A sudden thud hit the quiet ground. V quickly got back up panting, putting a claw to the back of her head to ease the pain. She tried to think of something else after her disturbing nightmare. It wasn't until she saw someone lend out a hand to her.

N: V? Are you alright?

V: AHH!!

V got up by herself before jumping back a few feet, clearly in panic.

N: V...? Is everything alright?

V: Huh? 'Sigh' oh it's you.

N: You seem distressed, are you okay?

V looked at him, slightly surprised at his question.

V: Wh-Why bother to ask? I'm fine.

V responded, her tone blunt as she furrowed her eyebrows at N when she said that she was 'fine.'

N: Well... You surely don't look like it. You wanna talk about it? It seems like something's got you in a bit of a mood.

He gave his best smile at her, trying to be chill. V hummed in displeasure, averting her gaze away from N.

V: I had a nightmare... about...

N: What?

V: I had a nightmare about you!

N was put into shock. V had a nightmare about him. Of all the drones it had to be him. Nevertheless, N walked closer to V realizing what he had to do.

V: Can you leave me alone and go away?

N: No. You're clearly not in the right mindset to be alone, though I'll be patient. Just know I'll be here for you and you can always talk to me about anything! I'm your friend V and I'm willing to help you with this.

V's mind: Why is he so goddamn cute? It's annoying!

V: (Murmurs) You're more than my friend...

V wasn't moving at all, still looking away from N. It was at this point that he decided to take action. He slowly wrapped his arms around her torso. This resulted in V blushing on her visor with a mixture of surprise and confusion.

V: Wh-What are you...?

N: I'll always be here for you V. Even if it means hurting myself to save you.

A smile formed on V's face as she grabbed N's arms with her own and pulled them in tighter.

V: Thanks N...

N: Anytime V. I'm always here for you.

The 2 then embraced each other for the rest of the night.


Author's Note: I've come to make an announcement! I'm ending this story. I've lost interest in it and it wasn't really an N x V story. So I'm planning on abandoning this story for good and plan on making another one where N x V is a more reoccuring theme.

Until then, peace out my friends.

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