Chapter 5

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3 Years Later

I wake up in my den, drowsy from last nights sleep, yawning as I make my way into the skies into the spot where I meet with Koji

He's been feeding me bones that he asks for in butcher shops so I dont have to kill any humans, quite the noble goal, even then if I dont eat meat my 'gas propulsors' get a bit stuffy and dont work properly, though I dont tell him this for his own good. I also have to admit that I have quite opened up to him, not being as grumpy to him as I was in the start

When I arrive to the location I landed near It and started walking over there, spotting Koji laying his back on the trunk of a tree, as I aproached he smiled and waved his hand, I try to smile back at him, but as you probably know, not the easiest in my situation

Koji: Hello King

Yn: Screech (Hello Koji, how's school going?)

Koji: Great! Grades are good, and at this pace I will get better performance thanlast year, and maybe, just maybe go to UA

Yn: Scree. (You really want to go study in UA, eh)

Koji: Ofcourse, its everyone dream, when you were a kid didn't you want to go there?

Yn: Screch (Meh, at those times I just wanted to eat food, nothing more than that, maybe get a better quirk)

Koji: O-oh y-yeah, your family

Yn: Screech (Even then I wouldn't mind going there, just to interact with more people than only you, no offence)

After that little chat, he got out of his bag a plastic bag with bones from various animals with different sizes, and then be opened the bag and displayed the bones on the soil for me to eat, even though I wasnt the biggest fan of eating bones, they fill me up easily and atleast these ons have little bits of meat decorating the bone, unlike Him, who made sure to get every bit of meat out of the bone, anyways, after eating the bones we started chatting again about our day, It was mainly him who was talking about his because I didn't do much today, pretty much just sleep and wake up

A Few Hours Later

Koji: Sorry King, I have to go back home, my Mom has been calling me to go back for diner

He said whilst looking at his phone

Yn: Screech (Its no problem, good bye)

Koji: Bye King

He said running away from the forest while waving back at me, now that he was gone It was my time to go on the hunt again, its already been a few months and I tried yesterday to catch a meal, but there was no luck, lets hope that this night has something to offer

So I started flying, near the tree tops, patrolling the area for any kind of prey, being human or animal, I did not care

After a long hour and a few minutes, I sense something moving along the tree lines in a humanoid shape, so I stopped my flight silently to stalk the potential victim, It seemed It was talking to some kind of deviced

???1: Yeah Yeah, are you sure there's really something out here? We've been searching for fucking years and yet there's jackshit in this forest

???2: I assure you that there's SOMETHING out there, I saw and heard It with my eyes and ears, and you know I have good hearing ears, also, no cursing to superiors

???1: Whatever, Ill update on the situation later

That were his last words before tucking his device in his ... jacket?

???1: Fuckin' bugs bunny lookin' bastard

He said in a low voice whilst kicking the ground. Anyways, its just another hero, I should probably head ou-

???1: What the FUCK?

I turned back, my eyes meeting with his, he had a nervous but determined look, with a stance prepared to fight back, danm It, I could not let him get away, as I make my way down from the tree brack I was standing in, he made use of his quirk, covering his arms with some kind of metal while trying to look for a weak point of mine, meanwhile I just aimed at his chest and




What? I took some time to prosces what just happened, It seemed that he  'parried' my harpoon, that was now laying in the groud, with his metal arm, so I tried with a different aproach




I tried aiming at his feet this time but he just squated and got his arms to the ground whilst the metal had a shield form to deflect my harpoon just like the first time, as he saw that I used both of my harpoons he charched at my, the metal living in his arms deforming from a shield to a long, spear like form, so when I was backing up, he managed to slasg my chest

Yn: Screeechhhhh

It was the first time they fought back against this form, It would be more painful if It wasn't for the rush of adrenaline and anger in my blood, so when I finished backing up I reeled back my harpoons for what seemed a second chance to shot at the foe, or that was what he thought, so as he saw my harpoons back again side by side in my cheecks he transformed his arms from lances to shields again, so as he heard again the noise he shielded away


But I didn't shoot, instead rapidly aproaching the oblivious target, and when I was in front of him, I halted and, in a single move I waved my wings at him while shooting the propulsing gas at him, this caused such a strong wind current that It had the effect of him to be launched backwards, rolling in the ground just before hitting his sides with a tree trunk

While the hero was groaning in pain, I took my chance to eliminate him, aiming at him straight in the head so there was no chance of him deflecting the finishing blow




Finally, as he layed limp, I recovered my harpoons and made sure to destroy the device he used to communicate so I dont accidentally give my location away to any unwanted visitors, thus I dragged his body back to my lair for a meal, I felt bad for killing the hero, but no witnesses

??? POV

Tch, It has been an hour since he was supposed to contact me of his whereabouts, yet he said silent in the radio, so I went looking for him, hope the asshat isnt just lazing off like the other day and just went to sleep, so I went to his usual patrol route and

???: Atention, bring police officers and some forensics to THE forest, I will give you specific cordinates in some time

I told to the police office I had contact with, making sure to not leave this case closed off to the police like before, I checked the scene, again, a hole in the tree following some blood in the hole and ground, along with that there was the destroyed radio that we always carried. Not another fucking time

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