Chapter 13: Secrets Revealed

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A few days after Adam arrived at the hotel, he had been in his room all day, occasionally taking food from the kitchen. It seemed like he was really busy with something. Alastor, who felt like something was up with the former angel, sent his shadow into his room to spy on him. Only to discover that he had taken some technology from earth and was playing 'video games'. Safe to say, Alastor was not pleased at this and asked Lucifer to tell Adam to throw away his pc.

Lucifer then breaks down Adam's door to find him shouting at another player over the computer. He was wearing headphones and yelling "FUCKING BITCH YOU GET NO HOES L + RATIO-" he screams at the computer, slamming his fingers against the controller. "Adam." Lucifer greets him, to no reply. "Adam!" Lucifer shouts, still not having any reply from the man sitting in front of him. He gets annoyed and snaps his fingers, unplugging the pc and shutting off his game. Adam instantly gets furious and stands up to confront Lucifer. "What the fuck do you want?!" He shouts back. Lucifer dusts off his coat, not paying any attention to him being angry. "Mr. Radio wants your computer out of this hotel." he replies sarcastically. "NO! Do you know how hard I've worked to get this shit down here to hell-?!", "No, and I don't wanna know. So get it out." he mocks him. Suddenly, Adam gets a great idea and grins, surprising Lucifer, causing him to narrow his eyes. "Oh, so now you're laughing- what are you laughing about?", he asks him. "A few days ago.." Adam pulls out a tuft of red and black fur from his pocket, "I saw this in your room." he smirks, "You banging that weirdo?" he adds. Lucifer was speechless, then became angry and flustered. "What? Fuck no! Why were you even in my room?!", "To blackmail you duhh. Anyways, I get to keep my computer and I'll keep your little shitty affair a secret.", Lucifer sighs, "Fine, keep it all you want.". Lucifer then exits the room, not bothering to say another word. Adam suddenly runs out, "Fix my fucking door asshole!".

After a while, Alastor was waiting in his room, waiting for the news that Lucifer had gotten rid of Adam's computer. Lucifer opens the door before closing it behind his back. He throws himself onto the bed besides Alastor who was sitting on the edge, not bothering to look up at the confused deer. "And what may be the reason that you are upset darling?", "Adam knows." he replies, voice muffled due to him laying face down. Alastor was shocked. "Adam knows? Since when?" he asks Lucifer, demanding an explanation. Lucifer flips over and sat beside Alastor, "Apparently, he went snooping in my room and found tufts of your fur.. Now he wants to keep that stupid computer in exchange for keeping our secret.." Lucifer explains to him, leaning against him. Alastor sighs, "This is why you should clean your room dummy." Alastor says while lightly pinching Lucifer on the cheek. "Ow, ow! Okay, okay, I'll clean my room!" Alastor lightly pecks him on the cheek, leaving him flustered. "I'll go down to help Charlie do whatever she's doing. You go do whatever you want." Alastor gets up from the bed and heads out. Lucifer holds his cheek on the place that Alastor kissed it and felt his face get hotter. "Damn it, you're still hot." he lightly mutters, laying down on the bed and smelling the familiar scent of the deer.

Alastor's pov:

"Ugh, that little idiot. I told him countless times over the week to clean his room. He just never listens.." I thought to myself as I sigh. I walk down the stairs to see Husk, I need to talk to him about these new feelings, for me he was like someone I could confide in other than Rosie. Mostly because he can't spill my secrets to others. Suddenly I heard some footsteps, I turned around thinking it was Lucifer, when it turned out to be Adam. I grit my teeth and continue down the stairs, completely ignoring him. "Hey!" he calls out, "HEY!" I turn around in annoyance. "What?", "What's your shitty name again?" I sigh. "I'm not telling you. One introduction is enough for me. It's not my fault you seemingly have amnesia.", "Not my fucking fault you were too bad for me to remember." he retorts, making my ear twitch in annoyance. "Nifty dear! I take it back, the bug is very ann-", "Okay fine! Shut up! Seriously though, I forgot your fucking name." he replied in a panicky tone. "You don't need to know." and with that, I walk down the stairs, ignoring all his shouts.

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